[ Príspevkov: 16 ] 

Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
NapísalOffline : 04.12.2007 19:00 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

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Volá sa FAP (Full ablum pack)

tu su langy :

 *                          lang_album_main.php [English]
 *                              -------------------
 *     begin                : Sunday, February 02, 2003
 *     copyright            : (C) 2003 Smartor
 *     email                : smartor_xp@hotmail.com
 *     $Id: lang_album_main.php,v 1.0.6 2003/03/05 20:12:38 ngoctu Exp $

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

// Album Index
$lang['Photo_Album'] = 'Photo Album';
$lang['Pics'] = 'Pics';
$lang['Last_Pic'] = 'Last Pic';
$lang['Public_Categories'] = 'Public Categories';
$lang['No_Pics'] = 'No Pics';
$lang['Users_Personal_Galleries'] = 'Users Personal Galleries';
$lang['Your_Personal_Gallery'] = 'Your Personal Gallery';
$lang['Recent_Public_Pics'] = 'Recent Public Pics';
$lang['Nav_Separator'] = '&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;';

// Category View
$lang['Category_not_exist'] = 'This category does not exist';
$lang['Upload_Pic'] = 'Upload Pic';
$lang['Upload_Pics'] = 'Upload Pics';
$lang['Pic_Title'] = 'Pic Title';
$lang['View'] = 'View';
$lang['Pic_Poster'] = 'Poster';
$lang['Pic_Image'] = 'Image';

$lang['Album_upload_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> upload new pics in this category';
$lang['Album_upload_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> upload new pics in this category';
$lang['Album_rate_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> rate pics in this category';
$lang['Album_rate_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> rate pics in this category';
$lang['Album_comment_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> post comments to pics in this category';
$lang['Album_comment_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> post comments to pics in this category';
$lang['Album_edit_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> edit your pics and comments in this category';
$lang['Album_edit_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> edit your pics and comments in this category';
$lang['Album_delete_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> delete your pics and comments in this category';
$lang['Album_delete_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> delete your pics and comments in this category';
$lang['Album_moderate_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> %smoderate%s this category';

$lang['Edit_pic'] = 'Edit';
$lang['Delete_pic'] = 'Delete';
$lang['Rating'] = 'Rating';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['Last_Comment'] = 'Last Comment';
$lang['New_Comment'] = 'New Comment';
$lang['Not_rated'] = '<i>Not Rated</i>';
$lang['Random_Pictures'] = 'Random Pictures';
$lang['Highest_Rated_Pictures'] = 'Highest Rated Pictures';
$lang['Most_Viewed_Pictures'] = 'Most Viewed Pictures';

$lang['Avatar_Set'] = 'Set as Avatar';
$lang['BBCode_Copy'] = 'Copy BBCode';

// Upload
$lang['Pic_Desc'] = 'Pic Description';
$lang['Plain_text_only'] = 'Plain text only';
$lang['Max_length'] = 'Max length (bytes)';
$lang['Upload_pic_from_machine'] = 'Upload a pic from your machine';
$lang['Upload_to_Category'] = 'Upload to Category';
$lang['Upload_thumbnail_from_machine'] = 'Upload its thumbnail from your machine (must be the same type with your pic)';
$lang['Upload_thumbnail'] = 'Upload a thumbnail image';
$lang['Upload_thumbnail_explain'] = 'It must be of the same file type as your picture';
$lang['Thumbnail_size'] = 'Thumbnail size (pixel)';
$lang['Filetype_and_thumbtype_do_not_match'] = 'Your pic and your thumbnail must be the same type';

$lang['Upload_no_title'] = 'You must enter a title for your pic';
$lang['Upload_no_file'] = 'You must enter your path and your filename';
$lang['Desc_too_long'] = 'Your description is too long';

$lang['JPG_allowed'] = 'Allowed to upload JPG files';
$lang['PNG_allowed'] = 'Allowed to upload PNG files';
$lang['GIF_allowed'] = 'Allowed to upload GIF files';

$lang['Album_reached_quota'] = 'This category has reached the quota of pics. Now you cannot upload any more. Please contact the administrators for more information';
$lang['User_reached_pics_quota'] = 'You have reached your quota of pics. Now you cannot upload any more. Please contact the administrators for more information';

$lang['No_valid_category_selected'] = 'No valid album category selected';
$lang['No_category_to_upload'] = 'Unfortunately currently there are no categories you can upload to.';
$lang['Not_allowed_file_type'] = 'Your file type is not allowed';
$lang['Upload_image_size_too_big'] = 'Your image dimension size is too large';
$lang['Upload_thumbnail_size_too_big'] = 'Your thumbnail dimension size is too large';

$lang['Missed_pic_title'] = 'You must enter your pic title';

$lang['Click_return_category'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the category';
$lang['Click_return_album_index'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the Album Index';

$lang['Add_File'] = 'Add File';
$lang['File_thumbnail_count_mismatch'] = 'The number of uploaded pictures and thumbnails doesn\'t match';
$lang['No_thumbnail_for_picture_found'] = 'There was no thumbnail found for the uploaded picture (named: %s)';
$lang['No_picture_for_thumbnail_found'] = 'There was no picture found for the uploaded thumbnail (named: %s)';
$lang['Unknown_file_and_thumbnail_error_mismatch'] = 'Uknown error got raised when uploading the picture and thumbnail<br />Picture named: %s and Thumbnail named: %s<br />';
$lang['Picture_exceeded_maximum_size_INI'] = 'Picture named \'%s\' is too big. Picture is skipped.<br />';
$lang['Thumbnail_exceeded_maximum_size_INI'] = 'Thumbnail named \'%s\' is too big. Picture and thubmnail are skipped.<br />';
$lang['Execution_time_exceeded_skipping'] = 'The maximum time alllowed for script execution has been exceeded. The following files was skipped:<br />';
$lang['Skipping_uploaded_picture_file'] = '%s<br/>';
$lang['Skipping_uploaded_picture_and_thumbnail_file'] = '%s (thumbnail: %s)<br/>';
$lang['Album_upload_not_successful'] = 'None of your pictures has been uploaded successfully<br/><br/>';
$lang['Album_upload_partially_successful'] = 'Only a part of your pictures has been uploaded successfully<br/><br/>';
$lang['No_pictures_selected_for_upload'] = 'No pictures selected for upload or unknow error';

//$lang['Bad_upload_file_size'] = 'Your uploaded file is too large or corrupted';
//$lang['Album_upload_successful'] = 'Your pic has been uploaded successfully';
//$lang['Album_upload_need_approval'] = 'Your pic has been uploaded successfully.<br /><br />But the feature Pic Approval has been enabled so your pic must be approved by a administrator or a moderator before posting';

$lang['Bad_upload'] = 'Bad upload';
$lang['Bad_upload_file_size'] = 'Your uploaded file (%s) is too large or corrupted';
$lang['Album_upload_successful'] = 'Your picture(s) has been uploaded successfully';
$lang['Album_upload_need_approval'] = 'Your picture(s) has been uploaded successfully.<br /><br />But the feature Pic Approval has been enabled so your pic must be approved by a administrator or a moderator before posting.';

$lang['Rotation'] = 'Rotate (Anti-Clockwise) - Degrees';

$lang['Max_file_size'] = 'Maximum file size (bytes)';
$lang['Max_width'] = 'Maximum image width before recompression (pixel)';
$lang['Max_height'] = 'Maximum image height before recompression (pixel)';

// Album Nuffload
$lang['time_elapsed'] = 'Time Elapsed';
$lang['time_remaining'] = 'Time Remaining';
$lang['upload_in_progress'] = 'Upload In Progress';
$lang['please_wait'] = 'Please Wait...';
$lang['uploaded'] = 'Uploaded %multi_id% of %multi_max% images.';
$lang['no_file_received'] = 'No image file received';
$lang['no_thumbnail_file_received'] = 'No thumbnail file received';
$lang['file_too_big'] = 'Image file size too big';
$lang['thumbnail_too_big'] = 'Thumbnail file size too big';
$lang['image_res_too_high'] = 'Image resolution too high';
$lang['add_field'] = 'Add file upload field';
$lang['remove_field'] = 'Remove file upload field';
$lang['ZIP_allowed'] = 'Allowed to upload ZIP files';

// View Pic
$lang['Pic_ID'] = 'ID';
$lang['Pic_Details'] = 'Image Details';
$lang['Pic_Size'] = 'Size';
$lang['Pic_Type'] = 'Image Type';
$lang['Pic_BBCode'] = 'BBCode';
$lang['Pic_not_exist'] = 'This pic does not exist';
$lang['Click_enlarge'] = 'Click on image to view larger image';
$lang['Prev_Pic'] = 'View Previous Picture';
$lang['Next_Pic'] = 'View Next Picture';
$lang['Slideshow'] = 'Slide Show';
$lang['Slideshow_Delay'] = 'Slide Show Delay';
$lang['Slideshow_On'] = 'Slide Show';
$lang['Slideshow_Off'] = 'Stop Slide Show';
$lang['Pics_Nav'] = 'Pictures Navigation';
$lang['Pics_Nav_Next'] = 'Next Pictures';
$lang['Pics_Nav_Prev'] = 'Previous Pictures';

// Edit Pic
$lang['Edit_Pic_Info'] = 'Edit Pic Information';
$lang['Pics_updated_successfully'] = 'Your pic information has been updated successfully';

// Delete Pic
$lang['Album_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure to delete these pic(s)?';
$lang['Pics_deleted_successfully'] = 'These pic(s) have been deleted successfully';

// ModCP
$lang['Approval'] = 'Approval';
$lang['Approve'] = 'Approve';
$lang['Unapprove'] = 'Unapprove';
$lang['Status'] = 'Status';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Locked';
$lang['Not_approved'] = 'Not approved';
$lang['Approved'] = 'Approved';
$lang['Move_to_Category'] = 'Move to Category';
$lang['Pics_moved_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been moved successfully';
$lang['Pics_locked_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been locked successfully';
$lang['Pics_unlocked_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been unlocked successfully';
$lang['Pics_approved_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been approved successfully';
$lang['Pics_unapproved_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been unapproved successfully';

// Rate
$lang['Current_Rating'] = 'Current Rating';
$lang['Please_Rate_It'] = 'Please Rate It';
$lang['Login_To_Vote'] = 'Please Login To Vote';
$lang['Already_rated'] = 'You have already rated this pic';
$lang['Album_rate_successfully'] = 'Your pic has been rated successfully.';
$lang['Click_rate_more'] = 'Click %shere%s to rate more pictures.';

// Comment
$lang['Comment_no_text'] = 'Please enter your comment';
$lang['Comment_too_long'] = 'Your comment is too long';
$lang['Comment_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure to delete this comment?';
$lang['Pic_Locked'] = 'Sorry, this pic was locked. So you cannot post comment for this pic anymore';
$lang['Post_your_comment'] = 'Please Enter Your Comment!';

// Personal Gallery
$lang['Personal_Gallery_Explain'] = 'You can view the personal galleries of other members by clicking on the link in their profiles';
$lang['Personal_gallery_not_created'] = 'The personal gallery of %s has not been created';
$lang['Not_allowed_to_create_personal_gallery'] = 'Sorry, the administrators of this board donot allowed you to create your personal gallery';
$lang['Click_return_personal_gallery'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the personal gallery';

// Download Archive
$lang['Download_pics'] = 'Download Pics (ZIP)';
$lang['Download_page'] = 'Download Pics In This Page (ZIP)';
$lang['No_Download_auth'] = 'You are not authorized to archive photos from this album!';

// Email Notification
$lang['Email_Notification'] = 'Album Email Notification';
$lang['Email_Notification_Explain'] = 'This setting allow admins to receive a notification when a new picture is posted in the album';
$lang['Approvation_OK'] = 'Approved';
$lang['Approvation_NO'] = 'To Be Approved';

// Album Hierarchy Index Table
$lang['Last_Comment'] = 'Last Comment';
$lang['Last_Comments'] = 'Last Comments';
$lang['No_Comment_Info'] = 'No Comments';
$lang['No_Pictures_In_Cat']= 'No Pictures In Category';
$lang['Total_Pics'] = 'Total Pics';
$lang['Total_Comments'] = 'Total Comments';
$lang['Last_Index_Thumbnail'] = 'Last Pic';
$lang['One_Sub_Total_Pics'] = '%d Pic';
$lang['Multiple_Sub_Total_Pics'] = '%d Pics';
$lang['Album_sub_categories'] = 'Sub Categories';
$lang['No_Public_Galleries'] = 'No Public Galleries';
$lang['One_new_picture'] = '%d new picture';
$lang['Multiple_new_pictures'] = '%d new pictures';

// Personal Album Hierarchy Index Table
$lang['Personal_Categories'] = 'Personal Gallery';
$lang['Create_Personal_Categories'] = 'Create Personal Gallery';
$lang['Personal_Cat_Admin'] = 'Personal Gallery Category Admin';
$lang['Recent_Personal_Pics'] = 'Recent Pictures From the Personal Gallery of %s';

// Album Moderator Control Panel
$lang['Modcp_check_all'] = 'Check All';
$lang['Modcp_uncheck_all'] = 'Uncheck All';
$lang['Modcp_inverse_selection'] = 'Inverse Selection';

$lang['Show_selected_pic_view_mode'] = 'Show Only The Selected Personal Gallery Category';
$lang['Show_all_pic_view_mode'] = 'Show All Pictures In this Personal Gallery';

// Access language strings
$lang['Album_Can_Manage_Categories'] = 'You <b>can</b> %smanage%s the categories in the gallery';
$lang['No_Personal_Category_admin'] = 'You are not allowed to manage your personal gallery categories';

// The picture list of a member (album_memberlist.php)
$lang['Pic_Cat'] = 'Category';
$lang['Picture_List_Of_User'] = 'All Pictures by %s';
$lang['Member_Picture_List_Explain'] = 'You can view the complete list of picture contributed by other members by clicking on the link in their profiles';
$lang['Comment_List_Of_User'] = 'All Comments by %s';
$lang['Rating_List_Of_User'] = 'All Ratings by %s';
$lang['Show_All_Pictures_Of_user'] = 'Show All Pictures by %s';
$lang['Show_All_Comments_Of_user'] = 'Show All Comments by %s';
$lang['Show_All_Ratings_Of_user'] = 'Show All Ratings by %s';

// The pictures list
$lang['All_Picture_List_Of_User'] = 'All Pictures';
$lang['All_Comment_List_Of_User'] = 'All Comments';
$lang['All_Rating_List_Of_User'] = 'All Ratings';
$lang['All_Show_All_Pictures_Of_user'] = 'Show All Pictures';
$lang['All_Show_All_Comments_Of_user'] = 'Show All Comments';
$lang['All_Show_All_Ratings_Of_user'] = 'Show All Ratings';

$lang['Not_commented'] = '<i>Not Commented</i>';

// Nuff's Stuff
$lang['Nuff_Click'] = 'Click here to apply Special Effects';
$lang['Nuff_UnClick'] = 'Click here for normal visualization';
$lang['Nuff_Title'] = 'Special Effects';
$lang['Nuff_Explain'] ='Using this page you can apply multiple effects to the pictures.<br />Remember that this is a <i><b>very heavy operation on server CPU load</b></i>, so please do not abuse it. Some effects will automatically resize the output image so to not charge too much server CPU.';
$lang['Nuff_Normal'] = 'Normal Image';
$lang['Nuff_Normal_Explain'] = 'No effects applied';
$lang['Nuff_BW'] = 'Black & White';
$lang['Nuff_BW_Explain'] = 'This effect will transform the image into Black and White';
$lang['Nuff_Sepia'] = 'Sepia Tone';
$lang['Nuff_Sepia_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply sepia toning to the picture';
$lang['Nuff_Flip'] = 'Flip';
$lang['Nuff_Flip_Explain'] = 'Using this function you can flip the image';
$lang['Nuff_Mirror'] = 'Mirror';
$lang['Nuff_Mirror_Explain'] = 'Using this function you can mirror the image';
$lang['Nuff_Flip_H'] = 'Horizontal';
$lang['Nuff_Flip_V'] = 'Vertical';
$lang['Nuff_Rotate'] = 'Picture Rotation (Anti Clockwise)';
$lang['Nuff_Rotate_Explain'] = 'Rotates the images anti clockwise';
$lang['Nuff_Resize'] = 'Resize';
$lang['Nuff_Resize_Explain'] = 'This function is for image resizing';
$lang['Nuff_Resize_W'] = 'Width';
$lang['Nuff_Resize_H'] = 'Height';
$lang['Nuff_Resize_No_Resize'] = 'No Resize';
$lang['Nuff_Watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$lang['Nuff_Watermark_Explain'] = 'Apply a watermark to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Recompress'] = 'Recompress';
$lang['Nuff_Recompress_Explain'] = 'This function can recompress the image';
$lang['Nuff_Alpha'] = 'Alpha';
$lang['Nuff_Alpha_Explain'] = 'This effect will overlay an alpha channel to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Blur'] = 'Blur';
$lang['Nuff_Blur_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply a blur filter to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Pixelate'] = 'Pixelate';
$lang['Nuff_Pixelate_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply a pixelate filter to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Scatter'] = 'Scatter';
$lang['Nuff_Scatter_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply a scatter filter to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Infrared'] = 'Infrared';
$lang['Nuff_Infrared_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply an infrared filter to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Tint'] = 'Tint';
$lang['Nuff_Tint_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply a red tint to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Interlace'] = 'Interlace (Horizontal Lines)';
$lang['Nuff_Interlace_Explain'] = 'This effect will overlay an interlace channel to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Screen'] = 'Screen (Hor Ver Lines)';
$lang['Nuff_Screen_Explain'] = 'This effect will overlay a screen channel to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Stereogram'] = 'Stereogram';
$lang['Nuff_Stereogram_Explain'] = 'This effect will convert the image to a stereogram (BW 16 bit required)';

$lang['Pic_Gallery'] = 'OTF Gallery';
$lang['Select_Pic'] = 'Select Pic';
$lang['Select_Category'] = 'Select Category';



Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
Napísal autor témyOffline : 04.12.2007 19:01 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

 *                            lang_album_admin.php [English]
 *                              -------------------
 *     begin                : Sunday, February 02, 2003
 *     copyright            : (C) 2003 Smartor
 *     email                : smartor_xp@hotmail.com
 *     $Id: lang_album_admin.php,v 1.0.6 2003/03/05 00:21:55 ngoctu Exp $

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

// 01 - Configuration
$lang['Album_config'] = 'Album';
$lang['Album_config_explain'] = 'You can change the Photo Album settings here.<br />';
$lang['Album_config_updated'] = 'Album Configuration has been updated successfully';
$lang['Click_return_album_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Album Configuration';
$lang['Max_pics'] = 'Maximum pics for each Category (-1 = unlimited)';
$lang['User_pics_limit'] = 'Pics limit per category for each user (-1 = unlimited)';
$lang['Moderator_pics_limit'] = 'Pics limit per category for each moderator (-1 = unlimited)';
$lang['Pics_Approval'] = 'Pics Approval';
$lang['Rows_per_page'] = 'Number of rows on thumbnail page';
$lang['Cols_per_page'] = 'Number of columns on thumbnail page';
$lang['Thumbnail_quality'] = 'Thumbnail quality (1-100)';
$lang['Thumbnail_cache'] = 'Thumbnail cache';
$lang['Manual_thumbnail'] = 'Manual thumbnail';
$lang['GD_version'] = 'Optimize for the version of GD';
$lang['Pic_Desc_Max_Length'] = 'Pic Description/Comment Max Length (bytes)';
$lang['Hotlink_prevent'] = 'Hotlink Prevention';
$lang['Hotlink_allowed'] = 'Allowed domains for hotlink (separated by a comma)';
$lang['Personal_gallery'] = 'Allowed to create personal gallery for users';
$lang['Personal_gallery_limit'] = 'Pics limit for each personal gallery (-1 = unlimited)';
$lang['Personal_gallery_view'] = 'Who can view personal galleries by default';
$lang['Rate_system'] = 'Enable rating system';
$lang['Rate_Scale'] ='Rating Scale';
$lang['Comment_system'] = 'Enable comment system';
$lang['Thumbnail_Settings'] = 'Thumbnail Settings';
$lang['Quick_Thumbnails'] = 'Quick Thumbnails';
$lang['Quick_Thumbnails_explain'] = 'Enabling this option the system will check if thumbnails have been already generated and try to send them directly to the browser. This will speed up thumbnails generation when viewing cats.';
$lang['Extra_Settings'] = 'Extra Settings';
$lang['Default_Sort_Method'] = 'Default Sort Method';
$lang['Default_Sort_Order'] = 'Default Sort Order';
$lang['Fullpic_Popup'] = 'View full pic as a popup';
$lang['Email_Notification'] = 'Enable email notification on new images on album (only to admins)';
$lang['Show_Download'] = 'Show DOWNLOAD button (which enables the downloading of pictures in ZIP format) only to those who have UPLOAD permissions in the Album (if you choose ALWAYS the button will be always available even if the users has no UPLOAD permissions)';
$lang['Show_Slideshow'] = 'Enable Slideshow feature';
$lang['Show_Slideshow_Script'] = 'Enable transition effects for Slideshow';
$lang['Show_Pic_Size'] = 'Show the pic size on thumbnail';
$lang['Show_IMG_No_GD'] = 'Show GIF thumbnails without using GD libraries (full images are loaded and then just shown resized).';
$lang['Show_GIF_MidThumb'] = 'Show full GIF images if Mid Thumb is enabled.';
$lang['Show_Pics_Nav'] = 'Show Picture Navigation Box in Show Page';
$lang['Invert_Nav_Arrows'] = 'Invert the Arrows link in Showpage (right arrow = more recent)';
$lang['Show_Inline_Copyright'] = 'Show Copyrights Info on a single line';
$lang['Enable_Nuffimage'] = 'Enable Pictures Special Effects page based on Nuffmon Images Class';
$lang['Enable_Sepia_BW'] = 'Enable Sepia and B&W in Special Effects page (disable this function if you want no to load server\'s CPU)';
$lang['Show_EXIF_Info'] = 'Show picture EXIF informations';
$lang['Set_Memory'] = 'Set a memory limit via PHP (MB)';
$lang['Set_Memory_Explain'] = 'This feature may be used to increase memory limit in PHP (this setting must be allowed by your hosting): you can try to increase memory when your images are not loaded correctly. To avoid higher memory limits the max value is forced to be 16MB.';
$lang['LB_Preview'] = 'Enable LightBox Preview';
$lang['LB_Preview_Explain'] = 'This feature will show a LightBox with picture preview when moving the mouse over a thumbnail.';
$lang['Album_config_notice'] = 'If you change the current Photo Album settings and then select another tab, you will be prompted to save your changes.<br />The system will <b>not save</b> the changes for you automatically.';
$lang['Save_sucessfully_confimation'] = '%s was saved successfully';
$lang['Show_Recent_In_Subcats'] = 'Show recent pictures in sub categories';
$lang['Show_Recent_Instead_of_NoPics'] = 'Show recent pictures instead of no picture message';
$lang['Show_Last_Comments'] = 'Display last comments block on album index and categories';
$lang['Album_Index_Settings'] = 'Album Index';
$lang['Album_Index_Page_Settings'] = 'Album Index Page Settings';
$lang['Show_Index_Subcats'] = 'Show sub categories in index table';
$lang['Show_Index_Thumb'] = 'Show category thumbnails in index table';
$lang['Show_Index_Pics'] = 'Show the number of pictures in current category in index table';
$lang['Show_Index_Comments'] = 'Show the number of comments in current category in index table';
$lang['Show_Index_Total_Pics'] = 'Show the number of total pictures for current categories and all it\'s sub categories in index table';
$lang['Show_Index_Total_Comments'] = 'Show the number of total comments for current categories and all it\'s sub categories in index table';
$lang['Show_Index_Last_Comment'] = 'Show last comments for current categories and all it\'s sub categories in index table';
$lang['Show_Index_Last_Pic'] = 'Show last picture info for current categories and all it\'s sub categories in index table';
$lang['Line_Break_Subcats'] = 'Show each sub cat on a new line';
$lang['Show_Personal_Gallery_Link'] = 'Show Personal Gallery and Users Personal Gallery link in Sub Categories';
$lang['Album_Personal_Auth_Explain'] = 'Here you can choose which usergroup(s) can be the moderators for <b>all</b> personal album categories or just has the private access to them';
$lang['Album_debug_mode'] = 'Enable the hierarchy debug mode.<br /><span class="gensmall">This will generate a lot of extra output on the page and also some header warnings, which are all ok.<br />This option should <b>only</b> be used when having problems.</span>';
$lang['New_Pic_Check_Interval'] = 'The time to use to see if a picture is new or not.<br /><span class="gensmall"><b>Format</b> : &lt;number&gt;&lt;type&gt; Where type is either h, d, w or m (hour, day, week or month)<br /> e.g. 12H = 12 hours and 12D = 12 days and 12W = 12 weeks and 12M = 12 months<br />If no type is specified the system will use <b>days</b></span>';
$lang['New_Pic_Check_Interval_Desc'] = '<span class="gensmall">H = HOURS, D = DAYS, W = WEEKS, M = MONTHS</span>';
$lang['New_Pic_Check_Interval_LV'] = 'Enabling this option the new pics counter is based on users last visit time.';
$lang['Enable_Show_All_Pics'] = 'Enable toggling of personal gallery view mode (all pictures or only selected category).<br /> When set to <b>no</b>, only selected category is shown.';
$lang['Enable_Index_Supercells'] = 'Enable super cells in the index table. <br /><span class="gensmall">This will enable the mouseover effects on the columns, also knows as the supercell effect.</span>';
$lang['Show_OTF_Link'] = 'Show "Album OTF" link on Album Index';
$lang['Show_AllPics_Link'] = 'Show "All Pics" link on Album Index';
$lang['Show_PG_Link'] = 'Show "Personal Galleries" link on Album Index';

// 02 - Personal Galleries
$lang['Personal_Galleries'] = 'Personal Galleries';
$lang['Album_personal_gallery_title'] = 'Personal Gallery';
$lang['Album_personal_gallery_explain'] = 'On this page, you can choose which usergroups have right to create and view personal galleries. These settings only affect when you set "PRIVATE" for "Allowed to create personal gallery for users" or "Who can view personal galleries" in Album Configuration screen';
$lang['Album_personal_successfully'] = 'The setting has been updated successfully';
$lang['Click_return_album_personal'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Personal Gallery Settings';
$lang['Allow_Album_Avatars'] = 'Allow users to use own posted images in Album as Avatar';
$lang['Album_Personal_Settings'] = 'Personal Galleries';
$lang['Show_Personal_Sub_Cats'] = 'Show personal sub categories in index table';
$lang['Personal_Gallery_Approval'] = 'Personal gallery pics approval';
$lang['Personal_Gallery_MOD'] = 'Personal gallery can be moderated by owner';
$lang['Personal_Sub_Cat_Limit'] = 'Maximum number of sub categories (-1 = unlimited)';
$lang['User_Can_Create_Personal_SubCats'] = 'Users can create sub categories in own personal gallery';
$lang['Click_return_personal_gallery_index'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the personal gallery index';
$lang['Show_Recent_In_Personal_Subcats'] = 'Show recent pictures in personal sub categories';
$lang['Show_Recent_Instead_of_Personal_NoPics'] = 'Show recent pictures instead of no picture message in personal gallery';

// 03 - Categories
$lang['Categories'] = 'Album Categories';
$lang['Album_Categories_Title'] = 'Album Categories';
$lang['Album_Categories_Explain'] = 'On this screen you can manage your categories: create, alter, delete, sort, etc.';
$lang['Category_Permissions'] = 'Category Permissions';
$lang['Category_Title'] = 'Category Title';
$lang['Category_Desc'] = 'Category Description';
$lang['View_level'] = 'View Level';
$lang['Upload_level'] = 'Upload Level';
$lang['Rate_level'] = 'Rate Level';
$lang['Comment_level'] = 'Comment Level';
$lang['Edit_level'] = ' Edit Level';
$lang['Delete_level'] = 'Delete Level';
$lang['New_category_created'] = 'New category has been created successfully';
$lang['Click_return_album_category'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Album Categories Manager';
$lang['Category_updated'] = 'This category has been updated successfully';
$lang['Delete_Category'] = 'Delete Category';
$lang['Delete_Category_Explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to delete a category and decide where you want to put pics it contained';
$lang['Delete_all_pics'] = 'Delete all pics';
$lang['Category_deleted'] = 'This category has been deleted successfully';
$lang['Category_changed_order'] = 'This category has been changed order successfully';
$lang['Personal_Root_Gallery'] = 'Personal Gallery Root Category';
$lang['Parent_Category'] = 'Parent Category (for this category)';
$lang['Child_Category_Moved'] = 'Selected category had child categories. The child categories got moved to the <B>%s</B> category.';
$lang['No_Self_Refering_Cat'] = 'You cannot set a category\'s parent to itself';
$lang['Can_Not_Change_Main_Parent'] = 'You cannot change to parent of the main category of your personal gallery';
$lang['Watermark'] = 'WaterMark';
$lang['Watermark_explain'] = 'You can specify the watermark file to be used in this category. Insert the watermark file path respect to your phpBB root (i.e.: <b>album_mod/mark_fap.png</b>). The watermark will be applied only if Watermark feature is on.';

// 04 - Permissions
$lang['Album_Auth_Title'] = 'Album Permissions';
$lang['Album_Auth_Explain'] = 'Here you can choose which usergroup(s) can be the moderators for each album category or just has the private access';
$lang['Select_a_Category'] = 'Select a Category';
$lang['Look_up_Category'] = 'Look up Category';
$lang['Album_Auth_successfully'] = 'Auth has been updated successfully';
$lang['Click_return_album_auth'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Album Permissions';
$lang['Upload'] = 'Upload';
$lang['Rate'] = 'Rate';
$lang['Comment'] = 'Comment';

// 05 - Thumbnails
$lang['Use_Old_Thumbnails'] = 'Use old thumbnails functions';
$lang['Use_Old_Thumbnails_Explain'] = 'If you enable this feature, you will use the old thumbnails functions to generate small and mid thumbnails and a quick full pic loading. You should use this feature only if you are having problems without enabling it.';

// 06 - Sorting
$lang['Album_Category_Sorting'] = 'Sorting of the album categories';
$lang['Album_Category_Sorting_Id'] = 'ID';
$lang['Album_Category_Sorting_Name'] = 'Name';
$lang['Album_Category_Sorting_Order'] = 'Sort Order (default)';
$lang['Album_Category_Sorting_Direction'] = 'Sorting direction (only valid for ID and Name sorting)';
$lang['Album_Category_Sorting_Asc'] = 'Ascending';
$lang['Album_Category_Sorting_Desc'] = 'Descending';

// 07 - Clear Cache
$lang['Clear_Cache_Tab'] = 'Cache';
$lang['Clear_Cache'] = 'Clear Cache';
$lang['Album_clear_cache_confirm'] = 'If you use the Thumbnail Cache feature you must clear your thumbnail cache after changing your thumbnail settings in Album Configuration to make them re-generated.<br /><br /> Do you want to clear them now?';
$lang['Thumbnail_cache_cleared_successfully'] = '<br />Your thumbnail cache has been cleared successfully<br />&nbsp;';

// ACP - Javascript text
$lang['acp_ask_save_changes'] = 'Do you want to save the changes ?\n(OK = Yes, Cancel = No)';
$lang['acp_nothing_to_save'] = 'Nothing to save!';
$lang['acp_settings_changed_ask_save'] = 'You have changed the settings. Do you want to save them?\n(OK = Yes, Cancel = No)';

// GD Info
$lang['GD_Info'] = 'GD Info';
$lang['GD_Title'] = 'GD Info';
$lang['GD_Description'] = 'Here you can retrieve information about the currently installed GD library';
$lang['GD_Version'] = 'Version:';
$lang['GD_Freetype_Support'] = 'Freetype Fonts Support:';
$lang['GD_Freetype_Linkage'] = 'Freetype Link Type:';
$lang['GD_T1lib_Support'] = 'T1lib Support:';
$lang['GD_Gif_Read_Support'] = 'Gif Read Support:';
$lang['GD_Gif_Create_Support'] = 'Gif Create Support:';
$lang['GD_Jpg_Support'] = 'Jpg/Jpeg Support:';
$lang['GD_Png_Support'] = 'Png Support:';
$lang['GD_Wbmp_Support'] = 'WBMP Support:';
$lang['GD_XBM_Support'] = 'XBM Support:';
$lang['GD_Jis_Mapped_Support'] = 'Japanese Font Support:';
$lang['GD_True'] = 'Yes';
$lang['GD_False'] = 'No';

// Multiple Uploads Admin configuration
$lang['Upload_Settings'] = 'Upload';
$lang['Max_Files_To_Upload'] = 'Maximum number of files user can upload at a time';
$lang['Album_upload_settings'] = 'Album Upload Settings';
$lang['Max_pregenerated_fields'] = 'Maximum number of fields to pre-generate';
$lang['Dynamic_field_generation'] = 'Enable dynamic adding of upload fields';
$lang['Pre_generate_fields'] = 'Pre generate the upload fields';
$lang['Propercase_pic_title'] = 'Propercase picture title e.g. <i>\'This Is A Picture Title\'</i><br />Setting it to \'NO\' will result in this <i>\'This is a picture title\'</i>';
$lang['Pic_Resampling'] = 'Enabling this option, each image will be resized on the fly if needed (to keep image properties respecting the album settings in ACP).';
$lang['Max_file_size_resampling'] = 'Maximum file size before resampling (bytes)';

// CLowN
$lang['SP_Album_config'] = 'CLowN SP';
$lang['SP_Album_config_explain'] = 'Here you can configure some options for the Album Service Pack';
$lang['SP_Album_sp_general'] = 'General Config';
$lang['SP_Album_sp_watermark'] = 'WaterMark Config';
$lang['SP_Album_sp_hotornot'] = 'Hot or Not Config';
$lang['SP_Rate_type'] = 'Select picture rating display';
$lang['SP_Rate_type_0'] = 'Images only';
$lang['SP_Rate_type_1'] = 'Numbers only';
$lang['SP_Rate_type_2'] = 'Numbers and Images';
$lang['SP_Display_latest'] = 'Display latest submited pictures block';
$lang['SP_Display_highest'] = 'Display highest rated pictures block';
$lang['SP_Display_most_viewed'] = 'Display most viewed pictures block';
$lang['SP_Display_random'] = 'Display random pictures block';
$lang['SP_Pic_row'] = 'Number of rows on thumbnail blocks';
$lang['SP_Pic_col'] = 'Number of columns on thumbnail blocks';
$lang['SP_Midthumb_use'] = 'Use mid-thumbnail';
$lang['SP_Midthumb_cache'] = 'Enable caching of mid-thumbnail';
$lang['SP_Midthumb_high'] = 'Height of mid-thumbnail (pixel)';
$lang['SP_Midthumb_width'] = 'Width of mid-thumbnail (pixel)';
$lang['SP_Watermark'] = 'Use WaterMark';
$lang['SP_Watermark_users'] = 'Show WaterMark for all users, if \'No\' only display to unregistered users';
$lang['SP_Watermark_placent'] = 'WaterMark position on the picture';
$lang['SP_Hon_already_rated'] = 'Unlimited rating on Hot or Not page';
$lang['SP_Hon_sep_rating'] = 'Store Hot or Not rating in a separate table';
$lang['SP_Hon_where'] = 'Display pictures on hot or not from what categories? (leave blank to use pictures from all of the categories, if more then one category, separate by commas)';
$lang['SP_Hon_users'] = 'Can unregistered users rate';

$lang['SP_Disabled'] = 'Disabled';
$lang['SP_Enabled'] = 'Enabled';
$lang['SP_Yes'] = 'Yes';
$lang['SP_No'] = 'No';
$lang['SP_Always'] = 'Always';
$lang['SP_Submit'] = 'Submit';
$lang['SP_Reset'] = 'Reset';

// Nuffload
$lang['Nuffload_Config'] = 'Nuffload Configuration';
$lang['Enable_Nuffload'] = 'Enable Nuffload';
$lang['Enable_Nuffload_Explain'] = 'Enabling this option, Nuffload will be used instead of standard upload form.';
$lang['progress_bar_configuration'] = 'Nuffload - Progress Bar Configuration';
$lang['perl_uploader'] = 'Enable Perl uploader';
$lang['path_to_bin'] = 'Path from phpBB root to cgi-bin (i.e. <b>./cgi-bin/</b> if you have phpBB in a sub folder)';
$lang['show_progress_bar'] = 'Show progress bar on upload';
$lang['close_progress_bar'] = 'Close progress bar on finish';
$lang['activity_timeout'] = 'Activity timeout (secs)';
$lang['simple_format'] = 'Use simple formatting for progress bar';
$lang['multiple_uploads_configuration'] = 'Nuffload - Multiple Uploads Configuration';
$lang['multiple_uploads'] = 'Enable multiple uploads';
$lang['max_uploads'] = 'Maximum upload fields';
$lang['zip_uploads'] = 'Enable zip uploads';
$lang['image_resizing_configuration'] = 'Nuffload - Image Resizing Configuration';
$lang['image_resizing'] = 'Enable image resizing';
$lang['image_width'] = 'Image width';
$lang['image_height'] = 'Image height';
$lang['image_quality'] = 'Image quality';



Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
Napísal autor témyOffline : 04.12.2007 19:05 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Personal_Gallery_Of_User'] = 'Personal Gallery Of %s';
$lang['Personal_Gallery_Of_User_Profile'] = 'Personal Gallery of %s (%d Pictures)';
$lang['Show_All_Pic_View_Mode_Profile'] = 'Show All Pictures In The Personal Gallery of %s (without sub cats)';
$lang['Not_allowed_to_view_album'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to view the album.';
$lang['Not_allowed_to_upload_album'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to upload new pic to the album. Please contact the album administrator for more information.';
$lang['Album_empty'] = 'There are no pics in the album<br />Click on the <b>Upload New Pic</b> link on this page to post one.';
$lang['Upload_New_Pic'] = 'Upload New Pic.';
$lang['Pic_Title'] = 'Pic Title';
$lang['Pic_Title_Explain'] = 'It is very important to give your pic a good title. It could be a name, a subject to make others know what it is without see it.';
$lang['Pic_Upload'] = 'Pic Upload';
$lang['Pic_Upload_Explain'] = 'Allowed types are JPG, GIF and PNG. Maximum file size is %s bytes. Maximum image dimensions are %sx%s pixels.';
$lang['Album_full'] = 'Sorry, the album has reached the maximum number of uploaded pics. Please contact the album administrator for more information.';
$lang['Album_upload_successful'] = 'Thank you, your pic has been uploaded successfully.';
$lang['Click_return_album'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the Album.';
$lang['Invalid_upload'] = 'Invalid Upload<br /><br />Your pic is too big or its type is not allowed.';
$lang['Image_too_big'] = 'Sorry, your image dimensions is too large.';
$lang['Uploaded_by'] = 'Uploaded by';
$lang['Category_locked'] = 'Sorry, you cannot upload because this category was locked by an admin. Please contact the album administrator for more information.';
$lang['View_Album_Index'] = 'Album Index';
$lang['View_Album_Personal'] = 'Viewing Personal Album of a user';
$lang['View_Pictures'] = 'Viewing Pictures or Posting/Reading comments in the Album';
$lang['Album_Search'] = 'Searching the Album';
$lang['Pic_Name'] = 'Picture Name';
$lang['Description'] = 'Description';
$lang['Search_Contents'] = ' that contains: ';
$lang['Search_Found'] = 'Search found ';
$lang['Search_Matches'] = 'Matches:';


potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

Registrovaný: 22.11.07
Prihlásený: 26.02.10
Príspevky: 253
Témy: 1 | 1
NapísalOffline : 04.12.2007 19:12 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

ja by som ti to prelozil. len zasadna otazka - co za to?

Je povolených max. 5 riadkov s veľkosťou písma 9 (rozlíšenie 1280x1024px).
Sprava pre vedenie fora: ake nerespektovanie pravidiel. ved som mal v podpise citaciu na 2 riadky omg? lol? no a este jabber ale to neni moja chyba ze tu nemate input aj na jabber...

Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
Napísal autor témyOffline : 04.12.2007 19:20 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

Vdaka ... co chces ????


potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

Registrovaný: 22.11.07
Prihlásený: 26.02.10
Príspevky: 253
Témy: 1 | 1
NapísalOffline : 04.12.2007 20:18 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

ale este som nepovedal ze ti to prelozim. navrhni nieco.. cenu :)

Je povolených max. 5 riadkov s veľkosťou písma 9 (rozlíšenie 1280x1024px).
Sprava pre vedenie fora: ake nerespektovanie pravidiel. ved som mal v podpise citaciu na 2 riadky omg? lol? no a este jabber ale to neni moja chyba ze tu nemate input aj na jabber...

Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
Napísal autor témyOffline : 04.12.2007 20:23 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

V.i.p rank na fore... poďakovanie vo footeri modu


potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

Registrovaný: 22.11.07
Prihlásený: 26.02.10
Príspevky: 253
Témy: 1 | 1
NapísalOffline : 04.12.2007 20:28 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

ale nie vazne. ved ked budem mat cas tak ti to postupne prelozim. aj zadarmo;)

Je povolených max. 5 riadkov s veľkosťou písma 9 (rozlíšenie 1280x1024px).
Sprava pre vedenie fora: ake nerespektovanie pravidiel. ved som mal v podpise citaciu na 2 riadky omg? lol? no a este jabber ale to neni moja chyba ze tu nemate input aj na jabber...

Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
Napísal autor témyOffline : 04.12.2007 20:30 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

diky ale dam aspon podakovanie na do footeru :D


Prevádzkovateľ fóra
Prevádzkovateľ fóra
potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

Registrovaný: 01.05.05
Príspevky: 13350
Témy: 1496 | 1496
Bydlisko: Bratislava
NapísalOffline : 04.12.2007 20:40 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

jukel píše:
diky ale dam aspon podakovanie na do footeru :D
thx za to pridanie do footeru :lol: http://www.pcforum.sk/preklad-album-mod-sk-vt10884.html

ps: nabuduce staci hladat, je tu niekolko 10tok prekladov pre phpbb ;)

Streacom DA2 | SilverStone Titanium SX800-LTI 800W | ASRock X299E-ITX/ac | Intel Core i9-9980XE & be quiet! Dark Rock TF | Kingston HyperX Impact 64 GB DDR4 2666 MHz | NVIDIA Titan RTX 24 GB | Intel SSD Optane 905P 480 GB NVMe U.2 & Intel SSD 750 1,2 TB NVMe U.2 & Intel SSD 660p 2 TB NVMe M.2 & Seagate BackUp Plus Portable 56 TB USB | 55" 4K OLED Dell Alienware AW5520QF & 24" LCD EIZO FlexScan EV2451 | Ergotron LX Wall Mount Keyboard Arm | Logitech Craft | Logitech G603 | Logitech F710 | Harman Kardon Sabre SB 35 & Sennheiser RS 175 | Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate | APC Back-UPS ES 700 | Lenovo ThinkPad X250 | iPhone X 256 GB & Pitaka Aramid | SilverStone ML05B Milo | Corsair SF600 SFX 600W | ASRock X99E-ITX/ac | Intel Xeon E5-2683 v4 & NOCTUA NH-L12S | Kingston HyperX Savage 32 GB DDR4 2400 MHz | NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 1 GB | Intel SSD Optane Memory 32 GB NVMe M.2 & Intel SSD 730 240 GB SATA | Ubuntu Server

Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
Napísal autor témyOffline : 04.12.2007 20:44 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

nwm ale toto je asi ina verzia nieje to celé ale dakujem


Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 19.03.07
Prihlásený: 29.12.07
Príspevky: 2
Témy: 0 | 0
NapísalOffline : 10.12.2007 23:31 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

Existuje tento mod aj pre phpBB3? Resp. nieco kompatibilne s tymto modom? Mam spravenu galeriu v 2-ke, forum prechadza na 3-ku, a vraj sa nova verzia tohto modu nechysta :roll:


Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
Napísal autor témyOffline : 11.12.2007 14:42 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

Ale chysta sa ale mighty gorgon to začne vyrábať až keď bude phpbb3 Gold ... Čiže zajtra o 18.00 a videl som už jeho pokusi ako to prerába ale ešte je tam veľa chýb

///PS : máš preklad na verziu na phpbb 2 ????


Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 19.03.07
Prihlásený: 29.12.07
Príspevky: 2
Témy: 0 | 0
NapísalOffline : 11.12.2007 20:37 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

No dufam, ze to gorgonovi nebude trvat dlho :)

Slovensku verziu mam tiez iba lang_main_album


Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 21.06.07
Prihlásený: 07.06.08
Príspevky: 9
Témy: 1 | 1
NapísalOffline : 14.12.2007 22:55 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

lol jukel si proste naivny... ja ten preklad mam ale tak sa opytam co za to ??? hmm


Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 04.07.07
Prihlásený: 04.08.10
Príspevky: 330
Témy: 59 | 59
Bydlisko: LC
Napísal autor témyOffline : 14.12.2007 23:14 | potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

Dam ti asi tak koko°om po čele ... To by ti malo stačiť

 [ Príspevkov: 16 ] 

potrebujem preložiť FAP mod

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V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Potrebujem preložiť mod TS Gallery -- phpBB3

v Redakčné systémy



09.02.2008 23:19


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Ako prelozit vistu?

v Operačné systémy Microsoft



20.04.2009 8:56


Táto téma je zamknutá, nemôžete posielať nové príspevky alebo odpovedať na staršie.

Ako prelozit hru street fighter 4

v Počítačové hry



15.01.2010 13:19


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Chci přeložit hru, jak na to

v Počítačové hry



26.09.2008 9:48


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

H: Sapphire HD4850 Dual-Slot (pencil-mod, v-mod)

v Modifikácie, návody a projekty



18.01.2009 18:57


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Orange & Black mod - mod by borec

v Modifikácie, návody a projekty



07.08.2008 22:49


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Ako prelozit nejaky program do ineho jazyka - utility &

v Ostatné programy



15.02.2006 21:58


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Hľadam soft ktorý dokáže súvisle preložiť vetu z SK do ANG

v Ostatné programy



16.03.2009 21:20


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Tak aj môd mod :)

v Modifikácie, návody a projekty



03.06.2011 13:33


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.


v Redakčné systémy



22.03.2007 18:32


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

cash mod

v Redakčné systémy



22.03.2006 7:33


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Mod rewrite




28.04.2008 1:14


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

Easy Mod

v Redakčné systémy



11.12.2006 18:56


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

php Mod

v Redakčné systémy



26.12.2006 23:33


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

phpbb mod

v Redakčné systémy



14.04.2007 13:31


V tomto fóre nie sú ďalšie neprečítané témy.

seo mod

v Redakčné systémy



11.10.2007 14:53


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