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Prevádzkovateľ fóra
Prevádzkovateľ fóra

Registrovaný: 01.05.05
Príspevky: 13348
Témy: 1496
Bydlisko: Bratislava
Príspevok NapísalOffline : 12.11.2006 17:04

1/2 prekladu


// Admin
$lang['admin_game_deleted'] = "Hra odstránená<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_game_not_deleted'] = "Hra nebola odstránená<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_game_repaired'] = "Hry boli opravené<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_game_saved'] = "Hra bola úspešne uložená<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_score_reset'] = "Všetky skóre boli vynulované<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_return_activity'] = "Kliknite %sSem%s pre návrat do menu aktivít";
$lang['admin_config_updated'] = "Konfigurácia online aktivít bola aktualizovaná<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_toggles'] = "Podpora prepnutá";
$lang['admin_rewards'] = "Systém odmien prepnutý";
$lang['admin_activity_config'] = "Konfigurácia aktivít";
$lang['admin_use_adar_shop'] = "<b>Použite <a href=\"http://www.phpbb.com\" target=\"newindow\">Adarov obchod s bodmi</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_adar_info'] = "-:- Ak chcete odmeniť body za bonusy najvyššieho skóre a máte<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Adarov obchod s bodmi, prepnite túto položku na <b>Áno</b>.<br /><br />-:- <b>POZNÁMKA : </b>Toto nebude fungovať s inými obchodmi!";
$lang['admin_use_gamelib'] = "<b>Použiť Gamelib Javascript knižnicu</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_gl_info'] = "-:- Ak používate hru/aplikáciu, ktorá používa Scottovu Porterovu gamelib,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;prepnite túto položku na Áno.";
$lang['admin_use_points'] = "<b>Použite <a href=\"http://www.free-game.co.uk\" target=\"newindow\">Bodovací systém</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_pts_info'] = "-:- Ak používate bodovací systém, prepnite túto položku na Áno aby tento mód<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mohol použiť mód odmeňovania pre vaše fórum.";
$lang['admin_use_cash'] = "<b>Použite <a href=\"http://www.phpbb.com/community/\" target=\"newindow\">Peňažný systém</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_cash_info'] = "-:- Ak používate peňažný systém, prepnite túto položku na Áno aby tento mód<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mohol použiť mód odmeňovania pre vaše fórum.";
$lang['admin_use_allowance'] = "<b>Použite <a href=\"http://www.free-game.co.uk\" target=\"newindow\">Povolovací systém</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_allowance_info'] = "-:- Ak používate povolovací systém, prepnite túto položku na Áno aby tento mód<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mohol použiť mód odmeňovania pre vaše fórum.";
$lang['admin_gl_game_path'] = "<b>Gamelib cesta pre hry</b><br />";
$lang['admin_gl_path_info'] = "-:- Toto je adresár nachádzahúci sa v roote vášho fóra, kde si prajete<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ponechať vaše hry, ktoré používajú gamelib.";
$lang['admin_gl_lib_path'] = "<b>Gamelib Javascript cesta pre knižnice</b><br />";
$lang['admin_gl_lib_info'] = "-:- Tento adresár sa nachádza v \"<b>v ceste pre Gamelib hry</b>\" kde sú uložené vaše hry<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gamelib*.js súbory.<br /><br />-:- <b>POZNÁMKA</b> : Ak vám vaše hry zamŕzajú alebo nepočujete žiadny<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zvuk, potom zaškrtnite tento adresár kde sú uložené gamelib súbory.<br />";
$lang['admin_games_per_page'] = "<b>Počet hier na stranu</b><br />";
$lang['admin_games_per_info'] = "-:- Toto je počet hier, ktoré budú zobrazené na jednu stranu.<br /><br />-:- <b>POZNÁMKA</b> : Ak toto necháte prázdne alebo na <b>0</b> budú sa zobrazovať chyby.";
$lang['admin_page'] = "Strany";
$lang['admin_game_id'] = "ID Hry";
$lang['admin_path'] = "Cesta";
$lang['admin_adar_config'] = "Nastavenia Adarianovho obchodu";
$lang['admin_adar_shop'] = "<b>Adarianov obchod</b><br />";
$lang['admin_no_adar_info'] = "-:- Adarianov obchod nie je nainštalovaný. Nainštalujte Adariana pred<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zmenou týchto nastavení.";
$lang['admin_games'] = "Hry";
$lang['admin_charge'] = "Cena";
$lang['admin_button'] = "Tlačidlo";
$lang['admin_description'] = "Popis";
$lang['admin_reward'] = "Odmena";
$lang['admin_bonus'] = "Bonus";
$lang['admin_flash'] = "Flash";
$lang['admin_score'] = "Skóre";
$lang['admin_gamelib'] = "Gamelib";
$lang['admin_action'] = "Akcia";
$lang['admin_move'] = "Premiestniť";
$lang['admin_repair'] = "Opraviť obsah hier";
$lang['admin_reset'] = "Vynulovať najvyššie skóre";
$lang['admin_at_reset'] = "Vynulovať skóre najvyšších časov";
$lang['admin_up'] = "Hore";
$lang['admin_down'] = "Dole";
$lang['admin_delete'] = "X";
$lang['admin_limit'] = "Limit";
$lang['admin_width'] = "Šírka";
$lang['admin_height'] = "Výška";
$lang['admin_cash'] = "Hotovosť";
$lang['admin_name'] = "<b>Názov</b><br />";
$lang['admin_name_info'] = "-:- Toto je názov hry, ktorú inštalujete. <br /><br />-:- <b>POZNÁMKA</b> : Názov hry nechajte obmedzený na jedno slovo bez<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;medzier alebo neobvyklých znakov. Všetko ostatné bude ozbrazovať chybové hlásenie.";
$lang['admin_game_path'] = "<b>Cesta k hre</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_path_info'] = "-:- Toto je cesta, kde je umiestnená vaša hra.";
$lang['admin_game_desc'] = "<b>Popis</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_desc_info'] = "-:- Toto je popis hry, ktorý je zobrazený v menu aktivít.";
$lang['admin_game_charge'] = "<b>Cena za hru</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_charge_info'] = "-:- Toto je cena, za ktorú si budú môcť užívatelia zahrať túto hru.";
$lang['admin_game_per'] = "<b>Odmena za skóre</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_per_info'] = "-:- Toto je hodnota skóre, ktoré musí získať hráč aby dostal 1 bod ako cenu <br /><br />-:- <b>Príklad</b> : Hráč získa 100 skóre bodov. Ak zadáte 100 ako hodnotu<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;potom hráč dostane 1 bod za jeho skóre.";
$lang['admin_game_bonus'] = "<b>Bonus za najvyššie skóre</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_bonus_info'] = "-:- Toto je počet výherných bodov, ktoré získa užívateľ za najvyššie skóre.";
$lang['admin_game_gamelib'] = "<b>Použitie Gamelib</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_gamelib_info'] = "-:- Nastavte toto na Áno, pokiaľ používa hra <b>GameLib</b>.";
$lang['admin_game_flash'] = "<b>Použitie Macromedia Flash</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_flash_info'] = "-:- Nastavte na Áno, pokiaľ je toto Macromedia Flash hra alebo ma koncovku .SWF.";
$lang['admin_game_show_score'] = "<b>Zobraziť skóre</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_show_info'] = "-:- Nastavte na Áno, pokiaľ chcete používať skóre pre túto aktivitu.";
$lang['admin_game_reverse'] = "<b>Opačné zobrazovanie najvyššieho skóre</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_reverse_info'] = "-:- Nastavte na Áno, pokiaľ chcete, aby sa najnižšie skóre zobrazovalo ako prvé.";
$lang['admin_game_highscore'] = "<b>Limit najvyššieho skóre</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_highscore_info'] = "-:- Nastavte limit koľko rekordov chcete zobrazovať pre túto hru. Nechajte prázdne pre všetky.";
$lang['admin_game_size'] = "<b>Veľkost okna</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_size_info'] = "-:- Nastavte veľkosť okna v pixeloch pri štarte hry.";
$lang['instructions_info'] = "Pripojte \"Ako hrať\" inštrukcie k týmto hram. HTML Tagy sú podporované.<br />";
$lang['admin_game_reset_hs'] = "<b>Vynulovať najvyššie skóre</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_reset_hs_info'] = "-:- Nastavením na <b>\"Áno\"</b> sa vynuluje najvyššie skóre.";
$lang['admin_game_reset_at_hs'] = "<b>Vynulovať celkove skóre</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_reset_at_hs_info'] = "-:- Nastavením na <b>\"Áno\"</b> sa vynuluje celkové najvyššie skóre.";
$lang['admin_use_rewards'] = "<b>Použiť mód odmien</b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_rewards_info'] = "-:- Ak máte mód odmien nainštalovaný [Body/Peniaze/Prídeľ]<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tak zapnite túto možnosť, aby ste mód nakonfigurovali.";
$lang['admin_cheat'] = "<b>Použiť cheat mód</b><br />";
$lang['admin_cheat_info'] = "-:- Ak je tento mód zapnutý, proxy užívatelia a užívatelia odpojení z hry nebudú mať povolené uložiť si najvyššie skóre.";
$lang['admin_warn_cheater'] = "<b>Zobraziť upozornenie pre podozrenie z cheatovania</b><br />";
$lang['admin_warn_cheater_info'] = "-:- Ak je toto zapnuté, zobrazí sa správa, že je niekto podozrivý z cheatovania.";
$lang['admin_cheater_warning'] = "<br />Boli ste oznámení adminovi fóra ako pravdepodobný cheater.<br /><br /> Ak si myslíte, že ste necheatovali v hre, tak prosím kontaktujte spätne admina.<br />";
$lang['admin_warn_admin'] = "<b>Ohlás cheaterov</b><br />";
$lang['admin_warn_admin_info'] = "-:- Pokiaľ je táto možnosť zapnutá, dostane admin notifikáciu emailom o prichytení cheatera.";
$lang['admin_cash_default_info'] = "-:- Mód aktivít používa iba 1 pole pre odmeny. Prosím zadajte preddefinovaného užívateľa<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pole odmeny pre Vaších užívateľov. [<b>Iba mód peňazí</b>]";
$lang['admin_games_offline'] = "<b>Zachytiť Offline mód</b><br />";
$lang['admin_games_offline_info'] = "-:- Toto nastavenie zobrazí všetky hrania hier používateľov, ktorí hrali danú hru offline";
$lang['admin_default_game_id'] = "<b>Prednastavené číslo ID hry</b><br />";
$lang['admin_default_game_id_info'] = "-:- Pri pridávaní hry použite túto hru ako prednastavenú. '0' = Všetky polia prázdne.";

// Activity
$lang['not_enough_points'] = "Nemáte dostatok bodov, aby ste mohli túto hru hrať. <br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:parent.window.close();\">[Zavrieť okno]</a>";
$lang['not_enough_reward'] = "Nemáte dostatok odmien, aby ste mohli túto hru hrať. <br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:parent.window.close();\">[Zavrieť okno]</a>";
$lang['game_instructions'] = "Inštrukcie";
$lang['game_no_instructions'] = "Žiadne inštrukcie.";
$lang['game_free'] = "Zadarma";
$lang['game_cost'] = "Cena";
$lang['game_dash'] = ":";
$lang['game_number'] = "#";
$lang['game_list'] = $board_config['sitename'] . " hry";
$lang['game_score'] = "Skóre";
$lang['game_info'] = "Informácie";
$lang['game_bonuses'] = "Bonusy";
$lang['game_best_player'] = "Najlepší hráč";
$lang['game_highscores'] = "Najvyššie skóre";
$lang['game_score_saved'] = "Najvyššie skóre bolo uložené";
$lang['game_no_score_saved'] = "Nemáte žiadne skóre, preto nebolo uložené";
$lang['game_no_high_score'] = "Vaše skóre neprevýšilo vaše najlepšie skóre";
$lang['game_score_close'] = "Zavrieť";
$lang['game_cheater'] = "Chytený!";
$lang['game_played'] = "Hrané";
$lang['game_lib_link'] = "<br />Niektoré hry boli vytvorené s pomocou &copy; <A HREF=\"http://www.javascript-games.org/gamelib/\" TARGET=\"New_Window\">GameLib</A> v2.08<br />Pozrite si <A HREF=\"http://www.javascript-games.org\" TARGET=\"New_Window\">JavaScript hry</A> pre ďalšie info.";

// Errors
$lang['no_main_data'] = "Nemožno získať hlavné data";
$lang['no_game_data'] = "Nemožno získať data hry";
$lang['no_game_update'] = "Nemožno aktualizovať data hry";
$lang['no_game_total'] = "Chyba pri získavaní počtu hier";
$lang['no_game_user'] = "Chyba pri získavaní dát hráčov";
$lang['no_game_delete'] = "Nemomožno vymazať hru";
$lang['no_game_repair'] = "Nie je možné opraviť tabuľky hier";
$lang['no_game_save'] = "Nie je možné uložiť data hry";
$lang['no_user_update'] = "Nie je možné aktualizovať data užívateľa";
$lang['no_score_data'] = "Nie je možné získať data so skóre";
$lang['no_score_reset'] = "Nie je možné vynulovať skóre";
$lang['no_score_insert'] = "Nie je možné vložiť skóre";
$lang['no_score_reset'] = "Nie je možné vynulovať skóre";
$lang['no_config_data'] = "Nie je možné získať prístup k nastaveniam aktivít";
$lang['no_config_update'] = "Aktualizácia konfigurácie online aktivitít neprebehla správne pre ";
$lang['no_game_data'] = "Chyba, Nepodarilo sa získať žiadne data hry";
$lang['no_game_data_inform'] = "Chyba pri čítaní dát hry zo systému<br /><br />Táto chyba je spôsobená vašími nastaveniami proxy.<br /><br />Vypnutím proxy vám bude umožnené uložiť Vaše skóre.<br />";
$lang['session_error'] = "Chyba pri vytváraní novej session";

$lang['ban']  = "Boli ste zablokovaný administrátorom pre hranie hier.";
$lang['ban_error'] = "Chyba";
$lang['score']  = "Skóre: ";
$lang['seperator'] = "» ";
$lang['info']  = "Info";
$lang['same_window'] = "Otvoriť v tomto okne";
$lang['new_window'] = "Otvoriť v novom okne";
$lang['quick_select'] = "Rýchli výber";
$lang['choose_game'] = "Zvoliť hru";
$lang['trophy_page'] = "Stránka trofejí";
$lang['stats']  = "Štatistiky";
$lang['cost']  = "Cena";
$lang['trophy_holder'] = "Majiteľ trofeje";
$lang['score_2'] = "Skóre";
$lang['runner_up'] = "Runner Up";
$lang['the_trophy_holder'] = "Majiteľ trofeje ";
$lang['score_of'] = " so skóre ";
$lang['been_deleted_n_replaced'] = " Has Been Deleted &amp; Replaced With The Runner Up, ";
$lang['please_click'] = ".<br> Prosím kliknite <b><a href='";
$lang['here_to_return'] = "'>sem</a></b> pre návrat do stránky najvyšších hodnotení.";
$lang['success'] = "Successfull";
$lang['scores_reset'] = "Všetky najvyšie skóre boli vynulované, majiteľom všetkých trofejí je ";
$lang['zero_score'] = " So skóre 0 (nula)";
$lang['delete_specific'] = "Vymazať dané najvyššie skóre?";
$lang['delete_all'] = "Vymazať všetky najvyššie skóre?";
$lang['delete_this_button'] = " Vymazať toto najvyššie skóre ";
$lang['delete_all_button'] = " Vymazať všetky skóre ";
$lang['score_owned_on'] = "Score<br>Date Owned";
$lang['contacts'] = "Kontakt";
$lang['trophy_holders'] = "Majiteľ trofeje";
$lang['game_profile'] = ' Game Profile';
$lang['join_date'] = "Pridané";
$lang['posts']  = "Príspevkov";
$lang['last_visit'] = "Posledná návšteva";
$lang['gender']  = "Pohlavie";
$lang['permissions'] = "Povolenia";
$lang['game']  = "Hra";
$lang['date_took'] = "Date Took";
$lang['trophy_held_since'] = "Drží trofej od";
$lang['score_to_beat'] = "Skóre na víťazstvo";
$lang['main_profile'] = "Normálny profil";
$lang['game_profile'] = "Profil v hrách";
$lang['top_ten'] = "Top 10";
$lang['not_nice_to_cheat'] = "Its Not Nice To Try & Cheat The System ";
$lang['period']  = ".";
$lang['cheat_warning'] = "Cheat varovanie";
$lang['no_score_saved'] = "Neprekonali ste svoje najvyššie skóre a tak nie je čo ukladať.";
$lang['go_back_to_games'] = "Návrat do hier";
$lang['you_won_trophy'] = "Vyhrali ste trofej!";
$lang['challenge_self_error']  = 'Nemôžete súťažiť so sebou! Prosím kliknite na <i><b>návrat</b></i> a skúste to opäť.';
$lang['challenge_information']  = 'Informácia';
$lang['pm_msg_top'] = 'Nasledujúca správa bola odoslaná majiteľovi trofeje.<br>';
$lang['pm_msg_bottom'] = '<br>Veľa šťastia pri získavaní trofeje';
$lang['category_desc'] = 'Hrať podľa kategórie';
$lang['category_default'] = 'Kategórie';
$lang['category_default_2'] = 'Všetky hry';
$lang['highscore_games'] = 'Hry';
$lang['admin_delete_default'] = 'Vyberte hru';
$lang['t_holder_link_name'] = 'Majiteľ trofejí';
$lang['gender_none'] = 'Neznáme';
$lang['gender_male'] = 'Muž';
$lang['gender_female'] = 'Žena';
$lang['gender_not_installed'] = 'Nie je inštalované.';
$lang['level_member'] = 'Užívateľ';
$lang['level_mod']  = 'Moderátor';
$lang['level_admin'] = 'Admin';
$lang['level_less_admin'] = 'Jr. Admin';
$lang['challenge_header_1'] = 'This Boards Users Have Issued ';
$lang['challenge_header_2'] = ' Challenges. They Are Listed Below.';
$lang['challenge_username'] = 'Užívateľ';
$lang['challenge_position'] = 'Pozícia';
$lang['challenge_challenges'] = 'Total Challenges';
$lang['online_no_guests'] = 'Práve tu nie je žiaden hosť.';
$lang['online_g_one_1'] = 'Práve je tu ';
$lang['online_g_one_2'] = ' hosť.';
$lang['online_g_1'] = 'Práve sú tu ';
$lang['online_g_2'] = ' hosťov.';
$lang['online_no_members'] = 'Práve tu nie je žiaden hrajúci registrovaný užívateľ.';
$lang['online_m_one_1'] = 'Práve je tu ';
$lang['online_m_one_2'] = ' registrový hrajúci užívateľ.';
$lang['online_m_1'] = 'Práve sú tu ';
$lang['online_m_2'] = ' registrovaných hrajúcich užívateľov.';
$lang['online_title_bar'] = 'Zoznam užívateľov nachádzajúcich sa práve v hrách';
$lang['online_viewing_games'] = 'Prezerá hry';
$lang['online_playing_games'] = 'Hrá niektorú z hier';
$lang['game_link_play'] = 'Hraj ';
$lang['challenge_link_key'] = 'Súboj';
$lang['comments_link_key'] = ' koment.';
$lang['newest_title_1'] = 'Najnovšie ';
$lang['newest_title_2'] = ' pridané hry';
$lang['best_player_default'] = 'Nikto';
$lang['challenge_page_1'] = 'User Receiving The Challenge';
$lang['challenge_page_2'] = 'Total Challenges Sent To User';
$lang['challenge_page_3'] = ' Challenge History';
$lang['challenge_page_4'] = '#';
$lang['trophy_comment_notice'] = 'Ďakujeme za hranie, chcete pridať komentár?';
$lang['trophy_won_notice'] = 'Vyhrali ste trofej!';
$lang['trophy_comment_1'] = 'Sorry, You\'re Not The Current Trophy Holder, Please Win The Trophy Before Trying To Leave A Comment.';
$lang['trophy_comment_2'] = 'Max Comment Length Is 200 Characters, Yours Is ';
$lang['trophy_comment_3'] = ' Characters.';
$lang['trophy_comment_4'] = 'Minimálna dĺžka komentára je 2 znaky.';
$lang['trophy_comment_5'] = 'Nový komentár pridaný!';
$lang['trophy_comment_6'] = 'Informácie';
$lang['trophy_comment_7'] = 'Prosím zadajte Váš komentár';
$lang['trophy_comment_8'] = '<i>Maximálna dĺžka komentára je 200 znakov.</i>';
$lang['trophy_comment_9'] = 'Pridať komentár';
$lang['trophy_comment_10'] = 'Prepáčte, nie sú tu žiadne komentáre pre túto hru.';
$lang['trophy_comment_11'] = 'Užívateľ';
$lang['trophy_comment_12'] = 'Komentár';
$lang['trophy_comment_13'] = 'Najlepšie skóre';
$lang['trophy_comment_14'] = 'Dátum a čas komentára';
$lang['trophy_count_1'] = 'Pozícia';
$lang['trophy_count_2'] = 'Celkovo trofejí';
$lang['trophy_count_3'] = 'Užívateľ';
$lang['trophy_count_4'] = 'Kontakt';
$lang['trophy_count_link'] = 'Najlepší držiteľ trofejí';

/* Admin Panel Strings */
$lang['admin_default_no_games']  = 'Žiadna nová hra.';
$lang['admin_default_1_game'] = '1 nová hra na pridanie.';
$lang['admin_default_multi_games']  = 'Nové hry na pridanie.';
$lang['a_default_category'] = 'Vyberte kategóriu';
$lang['a_category'] = 'Ketegória';
$lang['a_category_explain'] = 'Add This Game To One Of Your Boards Categories';
$lang['a_default_charge'] = 'Select A Charge';
$lang['a_default_bonus'] = 'Select A Bonus';
$lang['a_default_hide'] = 'Skryť hru';
$lang['a_default_hide_explain']  = 'Will Allow You To Test It Before Users Play.';
$lang['a_add_game_error'] = 'You Must Specify A Game To Add It.';
$lang['a_ban_1']  = 'Activity Ban: Ban List';
$lang['a_ban_2']  = 'Remove A Banned Member';
$lang['a_ban_3']  = 'Un-Ban A User Id:';
$lang['a_ban_4']  = 'Choose An Id';
$lang['a_ban_5']  = 'Un-Ban A Username:';
$lang['a_ban_6']  = 'Choose A Name';
$lang['a_ban_7']  = ' Apply Changes ';
$lang['a_ban_8']  = 'Ban A Member';
$lang['a_ban_9']  = 'Ban A User Id:';
$lang['a_ban_10']  = 'Ban A Username:';
$lang['a_ban_11']  = ' Apply Ban ';
$lang['a_ban_12']  = 'User Ids Are Typically Numbers Only.<br><br>Click ';
$lang['a_ban_13']  = 'Here</a> To Try Again.';
$lang['a_ban_14']  = 'Nothing Specified To Ban.<br><br>Click ';
$lang['a_ban_15']  = 'The User Id: ';
$lang['a_ban_16']  = ' Does Not Exist.<br><br>Click ';
$lang['a_ban_17']  = '<i>Here</i></a> To Try Again.';
$lang['a_ban_18']  = ' Is Already Banned.<br><br>Click ';
$lang['a_ban_19']  = 'You Have Successfully Banned The User Id: ';
$lang['a_ban_20']  = '<br><br>Click ';
$lang['a_ban_21']  = '<i>Here</i></a> To Return To The Ban Page.';
$lang['a_ban_22']  = 'Success';
$lang['a_ban_23']  = 'The User: ';
$lang['a_ban_24']  = 'You Have Successfully Banned The User: ';
$lang['a_ban_25']  = 'You Have Successfully Unbanned The User Id: ';
$lang['a_ban_26'] = 'You Have Successfully Unbanned The User: ';
$lang['a_ban_27'] = 'Nothing Specified To Unban.<br><br>Click ';
$lang['a_ban_28'] = 'Here</a> To Try Again.';
$lang['a_disable_1'] = 'Activity Hide/Show Admin';
$lang['a_disable_2'] = 'Games To Hide/Show';
$lang['a_disable_3'] = 'Game Choices<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;* Means Its Already Hidden, Submit It Again To Show It.<br><br>(game_id) game_name*';
$lang['a_disable_4'] = 'Choose A Game';
$lang['a_disable_5'] = ' Submit ';
$lang['a_disable_6'] = 'A Game Is A Required Field, When Trying To Change It.<br>Click ';
$lang['a_disable_7'] = 'Here</a> To Try Again.';
$lang['a_disable_8'] = 'The Game Is Now Viewable To Users.<br>Click ';
$lang['a_disable_9'] = 'Here</a> To Return To The Hide/Show Page.';
$lang['a_disable_10'] = 'The Game Is Now Hidden From Users.<br>Click ';
$lang['a_disable_11'] = 'Here</a> To Return To The Hide/Show Page.';
$lang['a_disable_12'] = 'Here</a> To Try Again.';
$lang['a_disable_13'] = 'An Error Has Occured.<br>Click ';

/* Added in 1.0.4 */
$lang['info_box_title'] = 'Hry, informácie a štatistiky';
$lang['info_box_popular_1'] = 'Najobľúbenejšia hra je ';
$lang['info_box_popular_2'] = '...s %g% hraniami.';
$lang['info_box_popular_3'] = 'Kliknete %l% pre hranie.';
$lang['info_box_link_here'] = 'tu';
$lang['info_box_least_popular_1']  = 'Najmenej obľúbená hra je ';
$lang['info_box_least_popular_2']  = '...s %g% hraniami.';
$lang['info_box_least_popular_3']  = 'Kliknete %l% pre jej hranie.';
$lang['info_box_total_game_played'] = '<b>¤</b>&nbsp;Odohraných hier:';
$lang['info_box_total_comments']  = '<b>¤</b>&nbsp;Komentárov:';
$lang['info_box_total_challenges']  = '<b>¤</b>&nbsp;Výziev k prekonaniu:';
$lang['info_box_total_bets'] = '<b>¤</b>&nbsp;Bets Made Here:';
$lang['info_box_total_gaems'] = '<b>¤</b>&nbsp;Dostupných hier:';
$lang['info_box_trophy_1'] = 'Najnovší víťaz trofeje';
$lang['info_box_trophy_2'] = 'Chcete prekonať jeho skóre v hre %g%?';
$lang['info_box_trophy_3'] = 'Kliknite %l% pre hranie!';
$lang['info_box_title1'] = 'Vitajte späť!';
$lang['info_box_title2'] = 'Štatistika hier';
$lang['info_box_title3'] = 'Štatistiky fóra';
$lang['info_box_top_trophy_holder'] = 'Najlepší hráč';
$lang['info_box_user_points']  = 'You have %p% onhand.';
$lang['personal_info_last_game'] = 'Posledná hra, ktorú ste hrali je %g% dňa %d%.';
$lang['personal_info_comments']  = 'Vašich kometárov: %t%.';
$lang['personal_info_challenges_1'] = 'Vyzvali ste na súboj: %t%.';
$lang['personal_info_challenges_2'] = 'Boli ste vyzvaný na súboj: %t%.';
$lang['personal_info_games_played'] = 'Vaše skóre je zapísané v %t% hrách.';
$lang['personal_info_game_played']  = 'Vaše skóre je zapísané v %t% hre.';
$lang['personal_info_trophies']  = 'Máte %t% trofejí.';
$lang['personal_info_trophies_1']  = 'Máte %t% trofej.';
$lang['personal_info_newest_game'] = 'Posledná odohraná hra';

Streacom DA2 | SilverStone Titanium SX800-LTI 800W | ASRock X299E-ITX/ac | Intel Core i9-9980XE & be quiet! Dark Rock TF | Kingston HyperX Impact 64 GB DDR4 2666 MHz | NVIDIA Titan RTX 24 GB | Intel SSD Optane 905P 480 GB NVMe U.2 & Intel SSD 750 1,2 TB NVMe U.2 & Intel SSD 660p 2 TB NVMe M.2 & Seagate BackUp Plus Portable 56 TB USB | 55" 4K OLED Dell Alienware AW5520QF & 24" LCD EIZO FlexScan EV2451 | Ergotron LX Wall Mount Keyboard Arm | Logitech Craft | Logitech G603 | Logitech F710 | Harman Kardon Sabre SB 35 & Sennheiser RS 175 | Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate | APC Back-UPS ES 700 | Lenovo ThinkPad X250 | iPhone X 256 GB & Pitaka Aramid | SilverStone ML05B Milo | Corsair SF600 SFX 600W | ASRock X99E-ITX/ac | Intel Xeon E5-2683 v4 & NOCTUA NH-L12S | Kingston HyperX Savage 32 GB DDR4 2400 MHz | NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 1 GB | Intel SSD Optane Memory 32 GB NVMe M.2 & Intel SSD 730 240 GB SATA | Ubuntu Server

Prevádzkovateľ fóra
Prevádzkovateľ fóra

Registrovaný: 01.05.05
Príspevky: 13348
Témy: 1496
Bydlisko: Bratislava
Príspevok Napísal autor témyOffline : 12.11.2006 17:05

2/2 preklad
$lang['gambling_user_select_title'] = 'Choose a user to bet against.';
$lang['gambling_game_choice'] = 'Zvoliť tútp hru?';
$lang['gambling_game_image'] = 'Nastavenia hry';
$lang['gambling_game_description']  = 'Popis hry';
$lang['gambling_select_button']  = 'Submit This Bet';
$lang['gambling_bet_amount'] = 'Amount To Bet';
$lang['gambling_bet_amount_max'] = 'Max Bet';
$lang['gambling_default_user']  = 'Vyberte hráča';
$lang['gambling_bet_choices']  = 'Select The Play Method';
$lang['gambling_bet_choice_1']  = 'Zo zábavy?';
$lang['gambling_bet_choice_2']  = 'Za cash?';
$lang['gambling_bet_choice_desc'] = 'If Betting For A Price, How Much?';
$lang['gambling_max_bet'] = 'The Max Wager Here Is %a%.';
$lang['gambling_max_exceeded_error']= 'Sorry, you have exceeded the max bet allowed.';
$lang['gambling_submit_title']  = 'Ready To Send The Gamble?';
$lang['gambling_error'] = 'Chyba';
$lang['gambling_numerical_error'] = 'Sorry %u%, bets can only be numerical.';
$lang['gambling_no_bet_error']  = 'Sorry %u%, an amount to bet is required when betting.';
$lang['gambling_anonymous_error'] = 'Sorry, guests are not allowed to bet here.';
$lang['gambling_low_points']  = 'Sorry %u%, you dont have enough on hand to place that bet.';
$lang['gambling_no_user_selected'] = 'You need to choose a user to bet against.';
$lang['gambling_no_game_selected'] = 'You need to choose a game to bet on.';
$lang['gambling_no_fee_error']  = 'You need to select to bet on this or make it for fun.';
$lang['gambling_points_disabled'] = 'Points are currently off.';
$lang['gambling_bet_self'] = 'Betting yourself? Try again.';
$lang['gambling_in_progress_error'] = 'Sorry, there is already a bet in progress between you and that user, for that game.';
$lang['gambling_pm_sender_msg']  = 'Below is the link to your game. Please goto %P% to play it & wait
  for the other person to accept & play theirs.';
$lang['gambling_pm_reciever_msg'] = '%u% Has decided to make a bet with you they can beat you at %g%.
  If you do not want to accept this, please goto %D%.
  If you would like to play it, please goto %A%. The game will cost
  you %C% for losing. Best of luck!';
$lang['gambling_pm_sender_sub']  = 'Your game link to play the bet game.';
$lang['gambling_pm_reciever_sub'] = '%u% has placed a game bet.';
$lang['gambling_no_bet_pm'] = 'nothing';
$lang['gambling_success'] = 'Successfull Bet';
$lang['gambling_success_msg']  = 'Your bet has been submitted, please check your private messages
  and goto the link provided to fulfill your end of the bet.';
$lang['gambling_deny_error']  = 'You can not deny someone elses bet.';
$lang['gambling_deny_bet_sub']  = '%u% has denied your bet for %g%.';
$lang['gambling_bet_denied_msg'] = 'The bet has been denied.';
$lang['gambling_bet_denied']  = 'Success';
$lang['gambling_link_1'] = 'Games Page';
$lang['gambling_link_2'] = 'Gambling Page';
$lang['gambling_link_3'] = 'Gambling Stats';
$lang['gambling_stats_title_1']  = 'Bet Number';
$lang['gambling_stats_title_2']  = 'Víťaz<br>(Skóre)';
$lang['gambling_stats_title_3']  = 'Porazený<br>(Skóre)';
$lang['gambling_stats_title_4']  = 'Hra';
$lang['gambling_stats_title_5']  = 'Amount';
$lang['gambling_stats_title_6']  = 'Date';
$lang['gambling_stats_for_fun']  = 'For kicks!';
$lang['admin_scores_1'] = 'Activity Scores Edit Admin';
$lang['admin_scores_2'] = 'This feature is provided for changing players scores a little up or down etc. This
  feature <b>is NOT</b> for moving trophy holders around, that will cause issues
  among the tables. If you want to move trophy holders around, please do that via
  the top of your activity_top_scores.php page &amp; not here.';
$lang['admin_scores_3'] = 'Edit A Normal Score';
$lang['admin_scores_4'] = 'Select Game';
$lang['admin_scores_5'] = 'Choose A Game';
$lang['admin_scores_6'] = ' Find Scores ';
$lang['admin_scores_7'] = 'Edit A Trophy Score';
$lang['admin_scores_8'] = ' Edit Trophy Score ';
$lang['admin_scores_9'] = 'Please Specify A Game.';
$lang['admin_scores_10'] = 'Chyba';
$lang['admin_scores_11'] = 'Select A Player';
$lang['admin_scores_12'] = 'Choose A Player';
$lang['admin_scores_13'] = ' Edit Player ';
$lang['admin_scores_14'] = 'Current Score For %p% On %g%';
$lang['admin_scores_15'] = 'New Score For %p%';
$lang['admin_scores_16'] = ' Save Score ';
$lang['admin_scores_17'] = 's New Score Was Saved.';
$lang['admin_scores_18'] = 'Success';
$lang['admin_scores_19'] = 'Please Specify A Game.';
$lang['admin_scores_20'] = 'Delete All Scores For A Specific User';
$lang['admin_scores_21'] = ' Delete Scores ';
$lang['admin_scores_22'] = 'Scores Deleted.';
$lang['admin_scores_23'] = 'Please Select A User First.';
$lang['admin_cat_1'] = 'Activity Categories Admin';
$lang['admin_cat_2'] = 'Add A Category';
$lang['admin_cat_3'] = 'Category Name';
$lang['admin_cat_4'] = ' Add Category ';
$lang['admin_cat_5'] = 'Edit A Category';
$lang['admin_cat_6'] = 'Category Name';
$lang['admin_cat_7'] = 'Choose A Category';
$lang['admin_cat_8'] = ' Edit Category ';
$lang['admin_cat_9'] = 'Delete A Category<br>&nbsp;<b>Warning</b>: Deleting A Category
  Will Drop All Games In That Category Out Of A Category.';
$lang['admin_cat_10'] = 'Category Name';
$lang['admin_cat_11'] = ' Delete Category ';
$lang['admin_cat_12'] = 'Game Assignment';
$lang['admin_cat_13'] = 'Category Name<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;None Will Delete The Game Selected\'s Category.';
$lang['admin_cat_14'] = 'None';
$lang['admin_cat_15'] = 'Already Assigned To A Category';
$lang['admin_cat_16'] = 'Choose A Game';
$lang['admin_cat_17'] = ' Assign ';
$lang['admin_cat_18'] = 'Game Assignment Check';
$lang['admin_cat_19'] = 'Game Name';
$lang['admin_cat_20'] = ' Check Category ';
$lang['admin_cat_21'] = 'A Game Is Required To Check For The Games Category.<br>Click <a href="%L%">Here</a> To Try Again.';
$lang['admin_cat_22'] = 'Chyba';
$lang['admin_cat_23'] = 'Success';
$lang['admin_cat_24'] = 'Results';
$lang['admin_cat_25'] = 'Main Category Removed.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_26'] = 'Here';
$lang['admin_cat_27'] = ' To Return To The Categories Page.';
$lang['admin_cat_28'] = 'You Already Have The Max Categories Allowed..<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_29'] = 'Main Category Added.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_30'] = 'The Game [<b> ';
$lang['admin_cat_31'] = '</b>] Is Assigned To The [<b> ';
$lang['admin_cat_32'] = ' </b>] Category.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_33'] = 'A Category And Game Is Required To Assign A Game To A Category.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_34'] = ' To Try Again.';
$lang['admin_cat_35'] = 'Game\'s Category Updated.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_36'] = 'Game Added To Category.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_37'] = 'Game\'s Category Assigment Was Removed.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_38'] = 'A Category & Description Is A Required Field, When Trying To Add One.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_39'] = 'A Category With That Name Already Exists.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_40'] = 'Category Added.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_41'] = 'A Category Is A Required Field, When Trying To Edit One.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_42'] = 'Activity Categories Admin';
$lang['admin_cat_43'] = 'Editing A Category';
$lang['admin_cat_44'] = ' Save Change ';
$lang['admin_cat_45'] = 'A Category & Description Is A Required Field, When Trying To Change It.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_46'] = 'A Category With That Name Already Exists.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_47'] = 'Category Changed.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_48'] = 'A Category Is A Required Field, When Trying To Delete One.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_cat_49'] = 'All Data For The Category [<b> ';
$lang['admin_cat_50'] = ' </b>] Has Been Deleted.<br>Click ';
$lang['admin_db_1'] = 'Activity Mod Plus:<br><br>:: Un-Install :: Install :: Upgrade ::';
$lang['admin_db_2'] = 'From this screen you can install this script fresh, you can upgrade
  from other versions (Napoleons 2.0.0, Activity Mod Plus 1.*.*) or
  you can un-install it from your board completely.';
$lang['admin_db_3'] = 'Fresh Install';
$lang['admin_db_4'] = ' Install Activity Mod Plus ';
$lang['admin_db_5'] = 'Upgrade From An Existing Version';
$lang['admin_db_6'] = 'Select A Version To Upgrade To';
$lang['admin_db_12'] = ' Apply Upgrade ';
$lang['admin_db_13'] = 'Un-Install';
$lang['admin_db_14'] = ' Un-Install ';
$lang['admin_db_15'] = 'Please Select What Upgrade To Do First.';
$lang['admin_db_16'] = 'Chyba';
$lang['admin_db_17'] = 'Upgrade Complete. Please note, if you saw errors such as "Duplicate entry" or "Already Exists" or "Duplicate column name", then <b>DO NOT</b> ask for support. Those errors can safely be ignored. If you received an error other than ones like that, then please seek support at http://phpbb-amod.com';
$lang['admin_db_18'] = 'Success';
$lang['admin_db_19'] = 'Install Completed. Please note, if you saw errors such as "Duplicate entry" or "Already Exists" or "Duplicate column name", then <b>DO NOT</b> ask for support. Those errors can safely be ignored. If you received an error other than ones like that, then please seek support at http://phpbb-amod.com';
$lang['admin_db_20'] = 'Un-Install Completed.';

/* Added in 1.0.5 */
$lang['bulk_add_title'] = 'Activities Admin: Bulk Add Games';
$lang['bulk_add_title_2'] = 'If you want to add all games not already in the database,
  click below. Also note by doing this, the install will
  use all the default information you have setup in the Xtras
  panel. Any small adjustments can be made on a game by game
  basis. In short, this is mainly for installing 20+ games at
  a time. This way all you have to do is edit them to add a
$lang['bulk_add_button'] = ' Inštalovať hru! ';
$lang['bulk_add_add_msg1'] = 'There were %g% games added successfully.';
$lang['bulk_add_add_msg2'] = 'There was 1 game added successfully.';
$lang['bulk_add_add_success']  = 'Success';
$lang['admin_edit_link'] = 'Editovať';
$lang['top_five_1'] = 'Držitelia trofejí';
$lang['top_five_2'] = 'Najviac hrané';
$lang['top_five_3'] = 'Komentárov';
$lang['top_five_4'] = 'Poslaných výziev';
$lang['top_five_5'] = 'Bet Makers';
$lang['top_five_6'] = 'Bet Winners';
$lang['top_five_7'] = 'Specialty Top Fives';
$lang['top_five_8'] = 'Prvých 5 hráčov v hrách';
$lang['top_five_9'] = 'Hry';
$lang['top_five_10'] = 'Top 5';
$lang['top_five_11'] = 's Top 5 - štatistiky';
$lang['top_five_12'] = 'Anonymous';
$lang['top_five_13'] = 'Error Selecting Game Information.';
$lang['top_five_14'] = 'Error selecting score information.';
$lang['random_link'] = ' Náhodná hra ';
$lang['challenge_Link'] = 'Stránka súbojov';
$lang['restriction_check_1']  = 'Sorry, The Admin Requires %B% Posts Before Playing These Games.';
$lang['restriction_check_2']  = 'Sorry, The Admin Requires Being A Member For %B% Day(s) Before Playing These Games.';
$lang['restriction_check_3']  = 'Sorry, The Admins Currently Have The Games Section Disabled For Updates. Please Try Again Later.';
$lang['disabled_page_error']  = 'Sorry, The Admins Currently Have This Feature Disabled.';
$lang['online_no_hidden'] = 'There Are No Hidden Users Currently Playing Here.';
$lang['online_one_hidden'] = 'Práve je tu 1 skytý hrajúci užívateľ.';
$lang['online_x_hidden'] = 'Práve je tu %n% skytých hrajúcich užívateľov.';
/* Added in 1.0.6 */
$lang['admin_proper_name'] = '<b>Real Game Name</b>';
$lang['admin_proper_name_desc']  = 'This is what you want the users to see as a game name.';
$lang['new_description'] = 'Popis';
$lang['new_games_played'] = 'Hrané:';
$lang['personal_info_newest_game1'] = '%g%  »» %u%';
$lang['info_box_top_trophy_holder1']= '%n% momentálne vlastní %t% trofejí.';
$lang['trophy_holder_rank_name'] = 'Trophy King';
$lang['bet_PM']  = 'Your Bet Statistics<br><br>
  Game: %G%<br>
  Winner: %W%<br>
  Winners Score: %WS%<br>
  Loser: %L%<br>
  Losers Score: %LS%';
$lang['bet_PM_subject'] = 'Your Gamble Results Are In';
$lang['deny_users_sending_score1'] = 'Sorry, you are allowed to play, but the admins have decided your scores
  will not be posted. Please click <a href="activity.php"><b>here</b></a> to go back to playing games.';
$lang['deny_users_sending_score2'] = 'Informácia';
$lang['deny_GET_mode_games_1']  = 'Sorry, we have disabled submitting scores for the GET mode games. Please click <a href="activity.php"><b>here</b></a> to go back to playing games.';
$lang['deny_GET_mode_games_2']  = 'Informácia';
$lang['order_alphabetical'] = 'Názvu hry';
$lang['game_rating_title'] = 'hodnotenie';
$lang['game_rating_votes'] = '%V% hlasy.';
$lang['game_rating_votes_one']  = '%V% hlas.';
$lang['game_rating_submit'] = 'Hodnotiť túto hru';
$lang['rating_page_error'] = 'Chyba';
$lang['rating_page_success']  = 'Success';
$lang['rating_page_error_exists'] = 'Prepáčte ale za túto hru ste už hlasovali..';
$lang['rating_page_1'] = 'No Game Selected.';
$lang['rating_page_3'] = 'Cast Your Vote For %g%';
$lang['rating_page_4'] = 'Prosím vyberte si hodnotenie od 1 po 10';
$lang['rating_page_5'] = ' Potvrdiť ';
$lang['rating_page_6'] = 'Ďakujeme Vám za hodnotenie.';
$lang['rating_page_7'] = 'Please select a game & rating before trying to vote.';
$lang['no_game_start_error_1']  = 'Sorry, you need to use the activity page to play games & not link to them directly';
$lang['no_game_start_error_2']  = 'Chyba';
$lang['no_games_in_cat_error_1'] = 'Sorry %n%, The Admins Have Not Added Any Games For This Category Yet. Please Click <a href="activity.php" class="nav"><b>Here</b></a> And Return To The Games Page.';
$lang['no_games_in_cat_error_2'] = 'Inforácia';
$lang['sort_method'] = 'Zoradiť';
$lang['order_method_title'] = 'Zoradiť hry v poradí';
$lang['jump_to_boxes_title']  = 'Some Shortcuts';
$lang['no_one_yet'] = 'Nikto';

/* Added in 1.0.7 */
$lang['activity_xtras'] = 'Activity Xtras';
$lang['auto_delete'] = 'Activate Auto Delete Of Scores?';
$lang['select_option'] = 'Select Option';
$lang['bug_fixers'] = 'Game Related Bug Fixers';
$lang['extra_config_values']  = 'Some Extra Config Values';
$lang['max_charge'] = 'Default Max Game Charge';
$lang['increment'] = 'Increment Value For Drop Down';
$lang['path_for_games'] = 'Game Path';
$lang['bonus_for_games'] = 'Game Bonus';
$lang['game_height'] = 'Window Height';
$lang['game_width'] = 'Window Width';
$lang['cm_pts_name'] = 'Cash Mod Points Name';
$lang['def_list_order'] = 'Default List Order';
$lang['main_pg_order'] = '<i>&nbsp;Order in which games are listed on the main page.</i>';
$lang['type_choose'] = 'Choose A Type';
$lang['games_played_A'] = 'Games Played, ASC';
$lang['games_played_D'] = 'Games Played, DESC';
$lang['new_add'] = 'Newest Added';
$lang['old_add'] = 'Oldest Added';
$lang['bonus_A'] = 'Bonus, ASC';
$lang['bonus_D'] = 'Bonus, DESC';
$lang['cost_A']  = 'Cost, ASC';
$lang['cost_D']  = 'Cost, DESC';
$lang['proper_A'] = 'Real Name, ASC';
$lang['proper_D'] = 'Real Name, DESC';
$lang['corder_gpA'] = 'Current Order: Games Played, ASC';
$lang['corder_cpD'] = 'Current Order: Games Played, DESC';
$lang['corder_na'] = 'Current Order: Newest Added';
$lang['corder_oa'] = 'Current Order: Oldest Added';
$lang['corder_bA'] = 'Current Order: Bonus, ASC';
$lang['corder_bD'] = 'Current Order: Bonus, DESC';
$lang['corder_cA'] = 'Current Order: Cost, ASC';
$lang['corder_cD'] = 'Current Order: Cost, DESC';
$lang['corder_properA'] = 'Current Order: Real Name ASC';
$lang['corder_properD'] = 'Current Order: Real Name DESC';
$lang['req_post_count'] = 'Require A Certain Post Count To Play';
$lang['ify_how_many'] = 'If Yes, How Many Posts Minimum';
$lang['req_mem_time'] = 'Require They Have Been A Member For A Certain Amount Of Time';
$lang['ify_how_long'] = 'If Yes, How Long';
$lang['act_challenge'] = 'Activate The Challenge System';
$lang['sub_chal_mess'] = 'Subject Of The Challenge Message';
$lang['act_pm_trop_loss'] = 'Activate The PM On Trophy Loss';
$lang['sub_trop_loss_mess'] = 'Subject Of The Trophy Loss Message';
$lang['show_new'] = 'Show Newest Games';
$lang['ify_amt_to_show'] = 'If Yes, Amount Of Games To Show<br>On The Main Page';
$lang['allow_guest'] = 'Allow Guest Play<br><i><span class="gensmall">This will allow guests to view & submit scores.</span></i>';
$lang['button_link_load_style']  = 'Button Link Load Style';
$lang['new_game_length'] = 'New Game Length<br><i>&nbsp;';
$lang['amt_days_show'] = 'Amount Of Days To Show Image</i>';
$lang['pop_game_limit'] = 'Popular Game Limit<br><i>&nbsp;';
$lang['game_req_to_show'] = 'Game Plays Required To Show Image</i>';
$lang['act_games_online'] = 'Activate The Games Online List';
$lang['turn_cheat_off'] = 'Turn The Extra Cheat Fix Off';
$lang['show_trop_n_profile']  = 'Show Trophy Stats In viewprofile.php';
$lang['show_stats_n_topic'] = 'Show Trophy Stats In viewtopic.php';
$lang['disable_everything'] = 'Disable everything game related?';
$lang['why_disable_everything']  = 'Mainly to upgrade the board etc..';
$lang['disable_trophy_page']  = 'Disable trophy page?';
$lang['why_disable'] = 'This will disallow users to view this page.';
$lang['disable_comments'] = 'Disable comments page?';
$lang['disable_gamble_page']  = 'Disable gamble page?';
$lang['disable_chall_page'] = 'Disable challenge page?';
$lang['disable_top_five'] = 'Disable top five page?';
$lang['use_trophy_king'] = 'Use Trophy King Feature?';
$lang['why_use_trophy_king']  = 'This will give the top trophy holder a Trophy King rank until they lose the title.';
$lang['all_trophy_reset'] = 'All Users Trophy Count Has Been Reset.';
$lang['success_message'] = 'Success';
$lang['scores_updated'] = ' Adjustments Were Made. Scores Table Updated.';
$lang['all_comments_deleted']  = 'Všetky komentáre vymazané.';
$lang['trophy_tab_updated'] = 'Trophy Table Updated. Games Adjusted: ';
$lang['config_updated'] = 'Config Values Updated.';
$lang['tables_updated'] = 'Tables Updated. ';
$lang['games_fixed'] = ' Game(s) Fixed.';
$lang['auto_del_1'] = 'Auto Delete Activated.<br><br>Click <i><a href=';
$lang['auto_del_2'] = 'Here</a></i> To Go Back.';
$lang['auto_del_3'] = 'Auto Delete De-Activated.<br><br>Click <i><a href=';
$lang['error_saving'] = 'Error Saving Change.<br><br>Click <i><a href=';
$lang['error_message'] = 'Chyba';
$lang['apply_changes_button']  = ' Použiť zmeny ';
$lang['activate_radio_button']  = 'Aktovovať';
$lang['deactivate_radio_button'] = 'Deaktivovať';
$lang['resync_message'] = 'From here if you are missing games, this is where you can fix it. It will
  re-sync all the games to show.';
$lang['resync_button'] = ' Re-Sync Games ';
$lang['scores_message'] = 'If you have more than one score per game per user, click this to
  update the scores table. It might not be 100% accurate but it will
  fix alot of bugs.';
$lang['scores_update_button']  = ' Scores Update ';
$lang['trophy_update_message']  = 'If some of your runner ups are also the trophy holder, or the
  trophy holder is not the correct person, this will fix almost all
  of that issue. Its not perfect but its better than nothing, make sure
  you apply the scores update first.';
$lang['trophy_update_button']  = ' Trophy Update ';
$lang['trophy_count_message']  = 'If for some reason the users trophies get out of order, for how
  many each user has, this will reset ALL users trophy count to
$lang['reset_trophy_button']  = ' Reset Trophy Count ';
$lang['delete_all_com_mess']  = 'This will allow you to delete ALL trophy comments with the touch
  of a button.';
$lang['delete_comments_message'] = ' Delete All Trophy Comments ';
$lang['radio_yes'] = 'Yes';
$lang['radio_no'] = 'No';
$lang['radio_popup'] = 'Pop Up';
$lang['radio_parent'] = 'Parent';
$lang['use_logo'] = 'Use a logo on games page.<br><span class="gensmall"><center><i>Link to logo</i></center></span>';
$lang['max_games_played_error']  = 'Sorry %U%, you have exceeded the aloted amount of games you can play per day. Please contact
  an admin if you have any further questions.';
$lang['admin_xtras_game_link_msg'] = 'If you\'re looking for games for the Activity Mod Plus, please
  click <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=203074" class="nav"><i>here</i></a> to view their links. In the first
  post of this topic, there is a FAQ section, what you are looking for
  is the first Q & A there.';
$lang['admin_xtras_msg_text']  = 'If Yes, Message To Send<br>&nbsp;%n%: Challengers Name<br>%g%: Game Name';
$lang['admin_xtras_msg_text_1']  = 'If Yes, Message To Send<br>&nbsp;%n%: New Trophy Holders Name<br>%g%: Game Name<br>%s%: The New Trophy Score.';
$lang['admin_xtras_save_button'] = ' Save ';
$lang['max_games_played'] = 'Restrict users to play a certain amount of games per day?';
$lang['max_games_played_desc']  = 'If yes, how many games per day?';
$lang['score_on_newscore'] = 'Vaše skóre pre %G% bolo %S%.';
$lang['rate_game_default'] = 'Hodnotiť túto hru';
$lang['rate_game_error'] = 'You need to specify a rating to rate %G%.';
$lang['whos_where_title_1'] = '#';
$lang['whos_where_title_2'] = 'Užívateľ';
$lang['whos_where_title_3'] = 'Bydlisko';
$lang['whos_where_viewing'] = 'Pozerá zoznam hier';
$lang['whos_where_viewing_idle'] = 'Užívateľ je momentálne mimo';
$lang['whos_where_no_members']  = 'Momentálne nie je prítomný žiaden užívateľ.';
$lang['whos_where_no_members_t'] = 'Informácia';
$lang['whos_where_link'] = 'Pozrieť kto je tu';
$lang['admin_cat_51'] = 'Not Assigned To A Category';
$lang['admin_cat_52'] = 'Popis kategórie';
$lang['admin_cat_53'] = 'Category Image<br><span class="gensmall">&nbsp;Relative to your root path, example: images/cat_image.gif</span>';
$lang['trophy_popup_title'] = '%u%\'s Trophy Listing';
$lang['trophy_popup_left'] = 'Hra';
$lang['trophy_popup_right'] = 'Skóre';
$lang['play_again_link'] = 'Hrať %G% znova?';
$lang['no_votes_cast'] = 'Neboli pridané žiadne';
$lang['main_cat_title_1'] = 'Kategória';
$lang['main_cat_title_2'] = 'Popis';
$lang['main_cat_title_3'] = 'Prístupné hry';
$lang['main_cat_title_4'] = 'Hra odohraná';
$lang['main_cat_title_5'] = 'Nová hra';
$lang['main_cat_title_6'] = 'Obľúbená hra';
$lang['main_cat_no_desc'] = 'Žiadny popis hry';
$lang['main_cat_all_desc'] = 'Všetky naše hry nájdete tu!';
$lang['category_listing_txt']  = 'Stránka kategórii';
$lang['disable_score_submit_m']  = 'Turn off member submit score option?';
$lang['why_disable_score_submit_m'] = 'This will allow members to play, but no score will be submitted.';
$lang['score_disable_message_m'] = 'Sorry, the admins have disallowed members to submit scores for the time being. You are welcome to play them all you wish. Click <a href="activity.php" class="nav"><i>here</i></a> to return to the games page.';
$lang['score_disable_info'] = 'Informácia';
$lang['disable_score_submit_g']  = 'Turn off anonymous submit score option?';
$lang['why_disable_score_submit_g'] = 'This will allow visitors to play, but no score will be submitted.';
$lang['score_disable_message_g'] = 'Sorry, the admins have disallowed guests to submit scores for the time being. You are welcome to play them all you wish. Click <a href="activity.php" class="nav"><i>here</i></a> to return to the games page.';
$lang['info_page_borrowed'] = 'Spent Playing  ';
$lang['info_page_category'] = 'Kategória  ';
$lang['info_page_title'] = '.: Štatistiky hry :.';
$lang['info_page_title_2'] = '.: Inštrukcie :.';
$lang['info_page_played'] = 'Hra odohraná  ';
$lang['info_page_cost'] = 'Cena hry  ';
$lang['info_page_bonus'] = 'Bonus hry  ';
$lang['info_page_player'] = 'Najlepší hráč  ';
$lang['info_page_score'] = 'Najlepšie skóre  ';

/* Added in 1.0.8 */
$lang['favorites_mouse_over'] = 'Pridať k obľúbeným';
$lang['favorites_r_mouse_over']  = 'Odstrániť z obľúbených';
$lang['favorites_info_link'] = 'Pozrieť obľúbené';
$lang['sort_order_reverse'] = 'Obrátené skóre';
$lang['sort_order_newest'] = 'Najnovšie';
$lang['sort_order_oldest'] = 'Najstaršie';
$lang['whos_where_contact_onsite'] = 'Kontakt na fóre';
$lang['whos_where_contact_offsite'] = 'Kontakt mimo fóra';
$lang['search_option_name'] = 'Meno hry';
$lang['search_option_flash']  = 'Flashová hra';
$lang['search_option_desc'] = 'Popis';
$lang['search_option_glib'] = 'GameLib hra';
$lang['search_option_reverse']  = 'Reverse Score Order';
$lang['search_use_wildcard']  = 'Use Wildcard?';
$lang['search_title'] = 'Search For Games';
$lang['search_option_title_1']  = 'Typ hry';
$lang['search_option_title_2']  = 'Extra Keys';
$lang['search_query'] = 'Keywords To Search For';
$lang['search_submit'] = 'Začať vyhľadávanie';
$lang['search_category'] = 'Kategória hry';
$lang['search_category_none']  = 'Ľubovolná kategória';
$lang['search_link'] = 'Hľadať';
$lang['saved_body_title'] = 'Game Finished';
$lang['saved_body_rate'] = 'Leave A Rating?';
$lang['saved_body_favs'] = 'Pridať k obľúbeným hrám?';
$lang['saved_body_comms'] = 'Pozrieť komantáre?';
$lang['saved_body_fav_no'] = 'Je už v obľábených';
$lang['extra_toggle_values']  = 'Toggle Options';
$lang['gambling_text_option_2']  = 'Užívateľ';
$lang['admin_use_rating_reward'] = 'Give Points To Users For Submitting Game Ratings?';
$lang['admin_use_rating_reward_1'] = 'If Yes, How Many Points?';
$lang['rating_payout_message']  = 'Since You Took The Time To Rate This Game, The Admins Have Awarded You %P%.';

/* Added in 1.0.9 */
$lang['favorites_none_error_1']  = 'You dont have any favorites saved.';
$lang['favorites_none_error_2']  = 'Chyba';
$lang['rating_text_line'] = 'Tejto hre ste dali %R% bodov.';
$lang['hof_acp_title'] = 'Populate The \'Hall Of Fame\' Table.<b>Warning:</b>This will delete anything you already have saved & reset it with the current trophy holder scores & info.';
$lang['hof_acp_button'] = 'Populate It';
$lang['hof_finished'] = '<b>%X%</b> Rows added to the database.';
$lang['jackpot_text'] = 'Jackpot: <b>%X%</b>';
$lang['hof_page_title'] = 'Activity Hall Of Fame';
$lang['hof_page_previous'] = 'Previous Holder';
$lang['hof_top_one'] = 'Hra';
$lang['hof_top_two'] = 'Držiteľ';
$lang['hof_top_three'] = 'Skóre';
$lang['hof_top_four'] = 'Date Took';
$lang['hof_topic_profile'] = 'Hall Of Fame Member';
$lang['use_jackpot'] = 'Jackpot Pool Base Amount';
$lang['reset_jackpot_button']  = ' Resetnút všetky Jackopy ';
$lang['reset_jackpot_mess'] = 'Reset all jackpot amounts? This will reset them back to your base jackpot amount.';
$lang['reset_jackpot_success']  = 'All jackpots have been successfully reset.';
$lang['online_list_text'] = 'Text to display on index next to [ Admin ] for those playing games.';
$lang['online_list_color'] = 'The color for these users in the online list only.';
$lang['admin_edit_header'] = 'Welcome to your games Edit screen. From here, click on a category to view/edit any games in that category.';
$lang['admin_edit_title_l'] = 'Kategória';
$lang['admin_edit_title_lc']  = 'Obrázok kategórie';
$lang['admin_edit_title_rc']  = 'Spolu hier';
$lang['admin_edit_title_r'] = 'Editovať hru';
$lang['admin_edit_title_r_exp']  = 'Editovať';
$lang['admin_edit_all_l'] = 'Všetky hry';
$lang['admin_drop_jackpot'] = '<b>Prázdny Jackpot</b>';
$lang['admin_drop_jackpot_exp']  = 'This will reset this games jackpot to zero points.';
$lang['admin_drop_game'] = '<b>Zmazať hru</b>';
$lang['admin_drop_game_exp']  = 'Nenávratne zmaže hru a všetko spoločné (skóre).';
$lang['admin_disable_game'] = '<b>Zablokovať hru</b>';
$lang['admin_disable_game_exp']  = 'Zablokuje a skryje hry, takže len admin môže hrať.';
$lang['admin_parent_game'] = '<b>Allow Parent Mode</b>';
$lang['admin_parent_game_exp']  = 'This will allow users to play this game in the same window.';
$lang['admin_popup_game'] = '<b>Allow Popup Mode</b>';
$lang['admin_popup_game_exp']  = 'This will allow users to play this game in a new window.';
$lang['edit_error_one'] = 'The game name is a required field.';
$lang['edit_error_two'] = 'The real name is a required field.';
$lang['edit_error_three'] = 'The game path is a required field.';
$lang['max_gamble_amount'] = 'The most points someone can bet in a gamble.';
$lang['favorites_page_title']  = 'Obľúbené';
$lang['god_title'] = 'Hra dňa (%T%)';
$lang['god_choice_r'] = 'Nahodná';
$lang['god_choice_p'] = 'Preset';
$lang['god_admin_one'] = 'Use Game Of The Day';
$lang['god_admin_two'] = 'Game To Use For Today (If Preset)';
$lang['god_admin_three'] = 'Use a random game?<br><span class="gensmall">Will change automatically every day.</span>';
$lang['shoutbox_link'] = 'Games Chat Log';
$lang['shoutbox_title'] = 'Games Chat';
$lang['shoutbox_header'] = 'Chat For %D%';
$lang['shoutbox_submit'] = 'Add This';
$lang['shoutbox_closed'] = 'Shoutbox closed!';
$lang['shoutbox_error'] = 'Please add a message first.';
$lang['shoutbox_history'] = 'View History';
$lang['shotbox_no_history'] = 'No Previous Sessions';
$lang['shoutbox_refresh'] = 'Obnoviť';
$lang['force_registration'] = 'Sorry, you are a Guest, we require you register before playing games. You\'re welcome to see what all we offer, but if you wish to play, please click <b><a href="profile.'. $phpEx .'?mode=register" target="_blank">Here</a></b> and make an account.';
$lang['admin_guest_view'] = 'Allow Guest View<br><i><span class="gensmall">This will allow guests to view the games pages, but prompt them to register before being able to play.</span></i>';
$lang['admin_use_shoutbox'] = 'Show Shoutbox<br><i><span class="gensmall">This will show the shoutbox link in the info box so members can chat while in the games.</span></i>';

/* All the DB Adjustments Upgrade Headings */
$lang['admin_db_7'] = 'From Napoleons 2.0.0 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_8'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.0 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_9'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.1 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_10'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.2 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_11'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.3 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_21'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.4 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_22'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.5 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_23'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.6 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_24'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.7 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';
$lang['admin_db_25'] = 'From Activity Mod Plus 1.0.8 To Activity Mod Plus 1.0.9';

Streacom DA2 | SilverStone Titanium SX800-LTI 800W | ASRock X299E-ITX/ac | Intel Core i9-9980XE & be quiet! Dark Rock TF | Kingston HyperX Impact 64 GB DDR4 2666 MHz | NVIDIA Titan RTX 24 GB | Intel SSD Optane 905P 480 GB NVMe U.2 & Intel SSD 750 1,2 TB NVMe U.2 & Intel SSD 660p 2 TB NVMe M.2 & Seagate BackUp Plus Portable 56 TB USB | 55" 4K OLED Dell Alienware AW5520QF & 24" LCD EIZO FlexScan EV2451 | Ergotron LX Wall Mount Keyboard Arm | Logitech Craft | Logitech G603 | Logitech F710 | Harman Kardon Sabre SB 35 & Sennheiser RS 175 | Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate | APC Back-UPS ES 700 | Lenovo ThinkPad X250 | iPhone X 256 GB & Pitaka Aramid | SilverStone ML05B Milo | Corsair SF600 SFX 600W | ASRock X99E-ITX/ac | Intel Xeon E5-2683 v4 & NOCTUA NH-L12S | Kingston HyperX Savage 32 GB DDR4 2400 MHz | NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 1 GB | Intel SSD Optane Memory 32 GB NVMe M.2 & Intel SSD 730 240 GB SATA | Ubuntu Server
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29.06.2011 14:04

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